1. Except in un-avoidable circumstances a material train shall not be stabled on running line at a station
2. When material train is stabled at a station, it shall be protected in the following manner and the SM shall ensure that:-
a) Material train arrived completely inside the fouling mark and derailing switch.
b) Apply hand brakes of all the vehicles of material train and Guard shall insure to apply hand brake of brake van.
c) All necessary points have been set against the line on which the material train is stabled and such points have been secured with clamps or bolts and cotter and padlocks and key of such padlock are kept in his custody.
d) Lever/button collars, slid pin and button cap must be placed pertaining to blocked line.
e) The Guard shall be not relinquish charge until he has been satisfied himself that the material train has been protected as prescribed in the rule.
1. Except in un-avoidable circumstances a material train shall not be stabled on running line at a station
2. When material train is stabled at a station, it shall be protected in the following manner and the SM shall ensure that:-
a) Material train arrived completely inside the fouling mark and derailing switch.
b) Apply hand brakes of all the vehicles of material train and Guard shall insure to apply hand brake of brake van.
c) All necessary points have been set against the line on which the material train is stabled and such points have been secured with clamps or bolts and cotter and padlocks and key of such padlock are kept in his custody.
d) Lever/button collars, slid pin and button cap must be placed pertaining to blocked line.
e) The Guard shall be not relinquish charge until he has been satisfied himself that the material train has been protected as prescribed in the rule.