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Q Paper For LDCE (Group 'B' ) AOM / ATM Selection Post -2020 With Answer



Instructions to the Candidates:

a) The question paper contains 110 questions that include 10 questions on Rajabhasha which are optional.

b) All questions are Objective type Multiple Choice questions. All objective type questions carry equal marks.

c) If any candidate answers more than 100 out of 110 questions, the first 100 attempted questions will only be evaluated.

d) To ensure authenticity of the answers of multiple-choice questions, correction of any type (viz. cutting, over writing, scoring off a ticked answer and ticking another answer, erasing, modifying the answer in any way) will NOT be permitted.

e) Zero marks will be awarded in such cases of corrections.

f) There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers. One-third of the marks allotted for right answer will be deducted for every wrong answer.

g) In English as well as Hindi versions of question papers, every question will have four options numbered as A, B, C. D (only capital letters) and answers to each question by the candidate should invariably be written in capital letters.

h) Answers are to be written in the OMR sheet supplied.
1. Hindi day is celebrated in India on every year.

(A) 10th January 
(B) 15th August 
(C) 14th September 
(D) 26th January

Answer : (C) 14th September 

2. Telangana State comes under region as per Official Language Policy.

(A) A 
(B) B 
(C) C 
(D) D

Answer : (C) C

3. Maharashtra State comes under region as per Official Language Policy

(A) A 
(B) B 
(C) C 
(D) D

Answer : (B) B

4. The number of languages under Eighth Schedule of the Constitution

(A) 18 
(B) 20 
(C) 21 
(D) 22

Answer : (D) 22

5. Under Premchand Award scheme, the value of first prize for writing Story, Novel and Poetry in Hindi is Rs

(A) Rs 18,000 
(B) Rs 14,000 
(C) Rs15,000 
(D) Rs 20,000

Answer : (C) Rs15,000 

6. When was the Official Language Act passed?

(A) 1969 
(B) 1979 
(C) 1963 
(D) 1983

Answer : (C) 1963

7. Which article of tile Constitution of India provides Hindi shall be official language of India?

(A) 323 
(B) 343 
(C) 353 
(D) 363

Answer : (B) 343 

8. Issuing of passes in Hindi for the stations situated in A and B regions was first started in South Central Railway in the year

(A) 1973 
(B) 1975 
(C) 1977 
(D) 1979

Answer : (C) 1977 

9. As per Official Language Rules 1976, our country has been divided into regions on the basis of language

(A) 06 
(B) C5 
(C) 03 
(D) 04

Answer : (C) 03

10.Who is the Chairman of Parliamentary Official Language Committee?

(A) Prime Minister 
(B) Home Minister 
(C) Finance Minister 
(D) Defense Minister

Answer : (B) Home Minister 

11. MMTS Services in Secunderabad and Hyderabad Divisions run with

(A) 8 Car rakes 
(B) 10 Car rakes 
(C) 12 Car rakes 
(D) 16 Car rakes

Answer : (C) 12 Car rakes

12.Mission Raftar was announced in budget.

(A) 2014-15 
(C) 2018-19 
(D) 2015-16

Answer : (B)2016-17 

13.Originating Loading (in Million Tonnes) in S.C.Railway during the year 2019-20 is

(A) 122.498 
(B) 109.477
(C) 111.477 
(D) 99.365

Answer : (B) 109.477

14.The wagon Turn Round is measured in terms of

(A) Weeks 
(B) Months 
(C) Days 
(D) Years

Answer : (C) Days 

15. MEMU expands as Mainline __________ ________________ unit.

(A)Electric Million 
(B) Electric Mechanical 
(C) Electric Multiple 
(D) Electric Mixed

Answer : (C) Electric Multiple 

16.Amendment Slip No 34 dt 12-12-2019 issued pertains to Rule and chapter in G & SR.

(A) S.R 4.34.2 of Chapter No IV 
(B) ‘S.R 4.35.5 of Chapter No IV
(C) S.R 5.13.2 of Chapter No V 
(D)S.R 5.19.5 of Chapter V

Answer : (B) ‘S.R 4.35.5 of Chapter No IV

17.Approved Special instructions are issued or approved by.

(B) GM 
(C) CRS 
(D) Railway Board

Answer : (C) CRS

18.Number of Private Freight Terminals (PFTSs) in Operation on S. C. Railway are

(A) 5 
(B) 6 
(C) 7 
(D) 8

Answer : (C) 7 

19.When a signal is newly erected or shifted, caution order shall be given for a period of

(A) 10 days 
(B) 50 days 
(C) 70 days 
(D) 90 days

Answer : (D) 90 days

20."Circular Notice" issued for Traffic line block for Engineering works is valid for from the date of issue.

(A) 3 months 
(B) 5 months 
(C) 2 months 
(D) 6 months

Answer : (A) 3 months 

21.Authority to proceed for relief engine/train into an Automatic Block signaling Section is

(A) T/D 912 
(B) T/C 912 
(C) T/A 912 
(D) T/B 912

Answer : (B) T/C 912 

22.The speed of the track tamping machine over all points and crossings shall not exceed.

(A) 08 KMPH 
(B) 15 KMPH 
(C) 20 KMPH 
(D) None of these

Answer : (D) None of these

23.During power interception of coaching trains, before detaching the loco (as per JPO),
[I] two iron skids to be placed at extreme ends
[II] two chains to be applied at extreme ends
[III] apply hand brakes of all SLRs
[IV] LP to drop Air pressure

(A) [I] &[II]
(B) [I]. [II] & [Ill] 
(C) [I) [II] & [IV] 
(D) [I) [III] & [IV]

Answer : (D) [I) [III] & [IV]

24.Station Working Rules contain chapters and appendices.

(A) 11 and 07 
(B) 12 and 06 
(C) 12 and 07 
(D) 11 and 08

Answer : (C) 12 and 07

25.Wherever Inner Distant is provided, the Distant Signal is capable of displaying aspects.

(A) Attention or Proceed 
(B) Caution or Attention
(C) Caution or Proceed 
(D) Stop or Caution

Answer : (A) Attention or Proceed 

26. NTKM denotes

(A) Net Tonne Kilometers 
(B) Net Train Kilometers
(C) Near Tonne Kilometers 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (A) Net Tonne Kilometers 

27.Indian Railways permitted procurement of rakes as a Freight Marketing initiative through following scheme(s) for movement of freight traffic by inviting private investment on PPP mode

(A) Liberalised Wagon Investment Scheme (LWIS)
(B) Automobile Freight Train Operator Scheme (AFTO)
(C) General Purpose Wagon Investment Scheme (GPWIS)
(D) All of the above

Answer : (D) All of the above

28.Identify Private Freight Terminal(PFT) handling goods traffic on S. C.Railway

(A) M/S. Continental Multimodal terminals, Timmapur(CMCT)
(B) M/S. CONCOR Terminals, Nagalapalli(CMCN)
(C) M/S.Anapartiware Housing Pvt. Ltd., Anaparti(AWCA)
(D) All the above

Answer : (D) All the above

29.South Central Railway as ninth Zonal Railway came into existence on

(B) 02-10-1966 
(C) 02-10-1968 
(D) 02-10-1964

Answer : (B) 02-10-1966 

30.Which one of the following technology (pilot project) provides capability to prevent train accidents on account of Signal Passing At Danger or Non-observance of speed restrictions by train drivers

(A) Automatic Train Protection 
(B) Train Collision Avoidance System
(C) Centralised Traffic Control 
(D) Automatic Train Control System

Answer : (B) Train Collision Avoidance System

31.An outward rake is loaded under Round -Trip Traffic (RTT) from Point A to Point B, and return traffic originates not from Point B, but from Point C. In this case concession is permissible as per laid down RTT policy guide lines subject to the condition that distance between Point B and C shall not be more than

(A) 100 km 
(B) 150 km 
(C) 200 km 
(D) None of the above.

Answer : (C) 200 km 

32.The following combinations fully describe BOX N HL Wagon
(i) Bogie wagon 
(ii) Open wagon 
(iii) Air brake wagon
(iv) High speed wagon 
(v) Stainless steel wagon

(A) (i) & (ii) 
(B) (i), (ii) &(iii) 
(C) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) 
(D) (i), (ii), (iii) & (v)

Answer : (D) (i), (ii), (iii) & (v)

33. WDG 3 A locomotive converted to electric locomotive is identified as

(A) WAP 5 
(B) WAP 7 
(C) WAG 7 
(D) WAGC 3 3

Answer : (D) WAGC 3 3

34.CRIS is associated with following Operations projects

(i) FOIS and ICMS 
(ii) COA and TSR 
(iii) SATSaNG and CMS 
(iv) SIMS and Computerisation of TTE Lobbies

(A) (i) & (ii) 
(B) (i) & (iii) 
(C) (i) & (iv) 
(D) (i), (ii), (iii)& (iv)

Answer : (A) (i) & (ii) 

35.Permissible speed and G & S Rule number for the first train during TSL working is

(A) Booked speed and S.R. 6.02.1 
(B) Booked speed and S.R. 6.02.3
(C) 25 kmph &S.R. 6.02.1 
(D) 25kmph &S.R. 6.02.3

Answer : (C) 25 kmph &S.R. 6.02.1 

36.When electric loco leading cab is defective and Asst. Loco Pilot is driving from trailing cab, speed prescribed and concerned G& S Rule is

(A) 40 kmph and S.R. 17.09 
(B) 50 kmph and S.R. 17.09
(C) 40 kmph and S.R. 17.08 
(D) 50 kmph and S.R. 17.08 37.

Answer : (A) 40 kmph and S.R. 17.09 

37.Speed of Infringing standard moving dimension trains on BG in class 'A' loads, class 'B' loads and class 'C' loads are not to exceed

(A) 75 kmph, 40 kmph and 25 kmph 
(B) 50 kmph, 40 kmph and 30 kmph
(C) 60 kmph, 50 kmph and 40 kmph 
(D) 30 kmph, 20 kmph and 10 kmph

Answer : (A) 75 kmph, 40 kmph and 25 kmph 

38.The prescribed code of Accident siren to be used when an accident occurred at out station but main line is clear and the relief train is to be turned out with medical van

(A) 3 long and one short 
(B) 4 long one short 
(C) 2 long one short 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (A) 3 long and one short 

39.Allowed time to complete "GLP Check of a rake consisting of 59 + 1 wagons, when the train is ordered without Guard

(A) 30 minutes 
(B) 45 minutes 
(C) 60 minutes 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (C) 60 minutes 

40.As per policy guidelines in order to avail concession in Freight Charges for Long Lead traffic under main commodity head "Coal & Coke (Group 8 of Goods Tariff)", the lead and extent of concession stipulated are and respectively

(A) 1000 km 10 % 
(B) 1200 km; 15% 
(C) 1400 km; 20% 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (C) 1400 km; 20%

41.Railway Budget is merged with General budget presented by Finance minister with effect from the year

(A) 2015-16 
(B) 2016-17 
(C) 2017-18 
(D) 2018-19

Answer : (B) 2016-17 

42.Which one of the following combinations completely describes the 'Calling-on-signal'

(i) It is a subsidiary signal
(ii) It has no independent aspect in the 'on' position
(iii) It is fixed below a stop signal governing the approach of a train
(iv) Under approved special instructions, it may be provided below any other stop Signal
(v) Under approved special instructions, it may be provided below any other stop signal except the last stop signal

(A) (i) & (ii) 
(B) (i), (ii) & (iii) 
(C) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) 
(D) (i), (ii), (iii) & (v)

Answer : (D) (i), (ii), (iii) & (v)

43.A freight train loaded with CC+8+2 tonnage is permitted to run at maximum permissible speed of subject to following other permanent and temporary caution orders in force.

(A) 40 kmph 
(B) 50 kmph 
(C) 55 kmph 
(D) 60 kmph

Answer : (D) 60 kmph

44.The permissible flat on wheel tread for Goods stock and Coaching stock on South Central Railway is

(A) 60 mm and 50 mm respectively 
(B) 40 mm and 50 respectively
(C) 30 mm and 40 mm respectively 
(D) 50 mm and 40 mm respectively

Answer : (A) 60 mm and 50 mm respectively 

45.South Central Railway is divided into__ zones for issuing the weather warning messages

(A) Eight 
(B) Seven 
(C) Five 
(D) Nine

Answer : (B) Seven

46.Anemometers are installed to measure the

(A) Wind velocity 
(B) Amount of rain fall 
(C) Temperature of rails 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (A) Wind velocity 

47.When Indented for a goods rake amount of WDRF to be paid?

(A) Rs 10,000/- 
(B) Rs 15,000/- 
(C) Rs 30,000/-
(D) Rs 50,000/-

Answer : (D) Rs 50,000/-

48.Basic Document for compiling Operating data

(A) CTR 
(B) Control Chart 
(C) Guard's Journal 
(D) Shunting Vouchers

Answer : (A) CTR 

49.When the engine has not cleared the fouling mark, the Loco Pilot shall call the attention of the Station Master by giving and at the same time wave a Stop hand signal in both directions.

(A) Written memo 
(B) One long two short whistles
(C) Three long whistles 
(D)One long one short and one long whistles

Answer : (C) Three long whistles 

50.Consequent to reorganization of zones and divisions, two new divisions namely Guntur and Nanded came into operation and thus on South Central Railway, six divisions became functional w.e.f.

(A) 01.04.2002 
(B) 01.04.2003 
(C) 01.01.2002 
(D) 01.01.2003

Answer : (A) 01.04.2002 

51.Coaching rake maintenance (pit attention facilities) are not available at the following station.

(A) Narsapur (NS) 
(B) Bidar (BIDR)
(C) Khanapur Junction (KHNP) 
(D) Machilipatnam (MTM)

Answer : (B) Bidar (BIDR)

52.The following Division of South Central Railway has maximum number of inter-zonal interchange stations.

(A) Guntakal 
(B) Secunderabad 
(C) Nanded Vijayawada

Answer : (C) Nanded Vijayawada

53.Periodicity for Mock Drill prescribed in Accident Manual is at least once in

(A) a month 
(B) three months 
(C) six months 
(D) four months

Answer : (B) three months 

54.When Loco Pilot experiences any unsafe condition of track including lurch and not able to detect anything abnormal, subsequent trains shall be dispatched with a speed restriction of kmph till the track is certified to be safe by Engineering officials.

(A) 08 kmph 
(B) 10 kmph 
(C) 15 kmph 
(D) None of these

Answer : (B) 10 kmph

55.During the pushing back of the train, the speed of the train, when the Guard is travelling in the leading vehicle, shall not exceed KMPH and, in any other vehicle KMPH.

(A) 20 & 8 
(B) 25 &8 
(C) 20 &10 
(D) 25 & 10

Answer : (B) 25 &8 

56.The BPC issued for Container rake is valid for kms or days whichever is earlier

(A) 7500 & 35 
(B) 6000 & 30 
(C) 6500 & 35 
(D) 7500 & 30

Answer : (B) 6000 & 30 

57.Fresh declaration shall be obtained in the SWR declaration register from the staff concerned in the following cases

(i) A new member of such staff joins the station. 
(ii) There is any change in the SWR
(iii) A member of the staff resumes duty at a station after an absence of 15 consecutive days or more.
(iv) When in-charge Station Master feels that any staff is not thorough in SWR

(A) (i)&(ii)
(B) (i), (iii)& (iv) 
(C) (i), (ii)& (iii) 
(D) all the above

Answer : (C) (i), (ii)& (iii) 

58.Passing stop signal at Danger ("ON") is classified as

(A) Indicative accident 
(B) Averted accident
(C)Consequential train accident 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (A) Indicative accident 

59.The speed that an empty goods train can run after inspection of the section where flat tyre is detected, after USFD test is done for the first 24 hours, is

(A) 15 kmph 
(B) 30 kmph 
(C) 50 kmph 
(D) 75 kmph

Answer : (D) 75 kmph

60.In Scott's formula, 'T’ indicates

(A) Block Operation Time
(B) Running time of fastest goods train over critical block section
(C) Running time of slowest goods train over critical block section
(D) Efficiency factor

Answer : (C) Running time of slowest goods train over critical block section

61.Appendix'G' of SWR is required to be jointly signed by


Answer : (C) DOM, DSTE & DEE (TRD) 

62.During the Engineering block, when a track machine is following first one, the speed to be observed by the following track machine is

(A) 25 kmph during day or view is clear and 10 kmph in night or view is not clear
(B) 15 kmph during day or view is clear and 08 kmph in night or view is not clear
(C) 20 kmph during day or view is clear and 10 kmph in night or view is not clear
(D) 30 kmph during day or view is clear and 15 kmph in night or view is not clear

Answer : (A) 25 kmph during day or view is clear and 10 kmph in night or view is not clear.

63.In case the Shunt signal, including a Shunt signal placed below a Stop signal, is defective, the authority to pass such defective shunt signal at "ON" Is

(A) T.369(3)& PHS 
(B) T.806& PHS 
(C) T.369(1) & PHS 
(D) T.369 (3b)& PHS

Answer : (D) T.369 (3b)& PHS

64.When a block section between two block stations is occupied / obstructed due to accident / disabled train, if it is required to dispatch a relief engine / relief train into such block section, it can be dispatched by issuing the authority in form number and caution order restricting the speed

(A) T/A.602 and 15 KMPH during day when view is clear or 10 KMPH during night or when view ahead is not clear

(B) T/B.602 and 15 KMPH during day when view is clear or 10 KMPH during night or when view ahead is not clear

(C) T/A.602 and 15 KMPH during day when view is clear or 08 KMPH during night or when view ahead is not clear

(D) T/B.602 and 25 KMPH during day when view is clear or 10 KMPH during night or when view ahead is not clear

Answer : (A) T/A.602 and 15 KMPH during day when view is clear or 10 KMPH during night or when view ahead is not clear

65.The target time for starting Accident Relief Train (other than excepted locations)

(A) During day light hours 30 minutes and during night hours 45 minutes
(B) During day light hours 15 minutes and during night hours 20 minutes
(C) During day light hours 45 minutes and during night hours 30 minutes
(D) During day light hours 30 minutes and during night hours 15 minutes

Answer : (A) During day light hours 30 minutes and during night hours 45 minutes

66.The concept of running long haul freight trains is to

(A) Increase the throughput 
(B) Increase the speeds
(C) Achieve quick wagon turn round 
(D) All the above

Answer : (D) All the above

67.During prolonged failure of signals on double line in Automatic block section. where communication is available, the speed restriction imposed for first train and relevant G & S rule applicable is:

(A)25 kmph and SR 
(B) 25 kmph and SR
(C) 15 kmph and SR 
(D) 15 kmph and SR

Answer : (B) 25 kmph and SR

68.Wherever Engine On Load (EOL) system is implemented, the free time allowed for loading and unloading of BOXN rakes is

(A) 06 hours and 06 hours 
(B) 03 hours and 05 hours
(C) 04 hours and 06 hours 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (B) 03 hours and 05 hours

69.Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) is planned for connecting between

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru Port and Tuglakabad 
(B)Sanathnagar and Tuglakabad
(C) Danakuni and Ludhiana 
(D) Kolkata and Mumbai

Answer : (A) Jawaharlal Nehru Port and Tuglakabad 

70.Which of the following are important operating indices for assessing the effective utilization of wagon?

(i) NTKMs per wagon day 
(ii) Wagon Turn Round 
(iii) NTKMs per Engine day in use
(iv) Average load per train

(A) (i) 
(B)(i) & (iii) 
(C) (i), (ii), (iii)&(iv) 
(D) (i) &(ii)

Answer : (D) (i) &(ii)

71.Permissible free time for loading/unloading in case of covered wagons for a Mini rake is

(A) 5 hours 
(B) 6 hours 
(C) 7 hours 
(D) 8 hours.

Answer : (A) 5 hours

72.Software aided train schedule and network governance (SATSaNG) program Is used for

(A) Time tabling of passenger trains 
(B) Time tabling of freight trains
(C) Effective utilization of wagons 
(D) Effective utilization of Crew

Answer : (A) Time tabling of passenger trains 

73.S. C. Railway serves following states. Identify correct answer.

(A) Maharashtra — Madhya Pradesh - Karnataka - Andhra Pradesh - Kerala
(B) Madhya Pradesh - Karnataka —Telangana - Kerala
(C) Maharashtra - Karnataka - Kerala - Tamil Nadu
(D)Andhra Pradesh — Telangana — Maharastra - Karnataka —Madhya Pradesh -Tamil Nadu

Answer : (D)Andhra Pradesh — Telangana — Maharastra - Karnataka —Madhya Pradesh -Tamil Nadu

74.A section will be considered saturated when line capacity exceeds Charting Method.

(A) 100% of charted capacity 
(B) 90% of charted capacity
(C) 80% of charted capacity 
(D) 70% of charted capacity

Answer : (B) 90% of charted capacity

75.During the line block, if more than one track machine is programmed to go into the block section and return to the station where from they started, the first one will be given and the succeeding ones will be given

(A) Caution Order and T/465 respectively 
(B) T/A465 and Caution Order respectively
(C) Caution Order and T/462 respectively 
(D)T/465 and Caution Order respectively

Answer : (D)T/465 and Caution Order respectively

76.Rail dollies shall not be worked in sections having gradients steeper than

(A) 1 in 200 
(B) 1 in 250 
(C) 1 in 150 
(D) None of the above.

Answer : (A) 1 in 200 

77.Implementation of e-office on Indian Railways results in

(A) Paperless Office 
(B) Quick disposal of files
(C) Easy monitoring of issues 
(D) All the above

Answer : (D) All the above

78.The nodal agency for booking coaches or trains through FTR is

(A) Container Corporation of India 
(B) Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation
(C) Principal Chief Commercial Manager 
(D) Centre for Railway Information System

Answer : (B) Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation

79.The Preferential Traffic Order issued by Railways is by exercising the powers as per Section of Railway Act, 1989.

(A) Section 71 
(B) Section 75 
(C) Section 62 
(D) Section 80

Answer : (A) Section 71 

80.When a tower wagon has to be moved, attached to a train, it should be attached.

(A) Inside the rear brake-van 
(B) Rear of the rear brake-van
(C) Next to train engine 
(D) Not permitted to be attached by train

Answer : (A) Inside the rear brake-van 

81.No Railway Servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding

(A) 5 years 
(B) 4 years 
(C) 3 years 
(D) 2 years

Answer : (A) 5 years 

82.What is the statutory limit of hours of employment of continuous category employee in a week?

(A) 60 Hrs 
(B) 45 Hours. 
(C) 75 Hrs 
(D) 54 Hrs.

Answer : (D) 54 Hrs.

83.Within how many days Compensatory Off can be sanctioned?

(A) 30 days 
(B) 60 days 
(C) 45 days 
(D) no limit

Answer : (A) 30 days 

84.Appeal against classification of employment can be made to

(A) General Manager 
(B) DRM 
(C) Regional Labour Commissioner 
(D) Branch Officer.

Answer : (C) Regional Labour Commissioner 

85.Number periods of rest given to running staff in a month if one period of rest is 22 hrs:

(A) 1 
(B) 2 
(C) 5 
(D) 4

Answer : (C) 5 

86.The Railway servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules came into force in the year

(A) 1968 
(B) 1972 
(C) 1966 
(D) 1978.

Answer : (A) 1968

87.For placing a Railway employee under suspension form is used

(A) SF-5 
(B) SF-11 
(C) SF-1 
(D) SF-2

Answer : (C) SF-1 

88.Rule 25 of the Railway servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules deal with

(A) Review 
(B) Appeal 
(C) Revision 
(D) Witness

Answer : (C) Revision 

89.Permanent Negotiating Machinery (PNM) functions In ____ tier system

(A) Three 
(B) Four 
(C) Five 
(D) Slx

Answer : (A) Three

90.The full form of PREM

(A) Participation of Railway Employees In Management
(B) Participation of Railway Employees in Manufacturing
(C) Participation of Railway Employees in Maintenance
(D) Participation of Railway Employees in Modernization

Answer : (A) Participation of Railway Employees In Management

91.Superannuation Pension is paid to such staff, who retires with minimum qualifying service of years.

(A) 10 
(B) 20 
(C) 30 
(D) 32

Answer : (B) 20 

92.Maximum days of leave on average pay that can be accumulated is

(A) 240 days 
(B) 300 days 
(C) 150 days 
(D) 180 days

Answer : (B) 300 days

93.Regulations of Hours of Work and period of rest is prescribed in which chapter of Railway Act, 1989

(A)Chapter V 
(B) Chapter X 
(C) Chapter XI 
(D) Chapter XIV

Answer : (D) Chapter XIV

94.Child Care Leave (CCL) applicable during service

(A) 365 days 
(B) 450 days 
(C) 730 days
(D) 1000 days

Answer : (C) 730 days

95.Maximum number of promotions granted under MACP

(A) 2 
(B) 3 
(C) 4 
(D) 5

Answer : (B) 3 

96.A Railway Project shall be accepted as financially remunerative only, when project gives a rate of return on investment of not less than by DCF technique.

(A) 6 % 
(B) 10 % 
(C) 12 % 
(D) 14%.

Answer : (B) 10 %

97.Full form of GST is Goods & ____________Tax.

(A) Sales 
(B) Sundry 
(C) Services 
(D) None of the above.

Answer : (C) Services 

98.Operating expenditure on fuel is booked to Demand Number

(A) 7 
(B) 8 
(C) 9 
(D) 10.

Answer : (D) 10.

99.Transactions of Wagon Registration Fee Deposits and Refunds are entered in the _ on the date of collection and entered in the

(A) Cash Remittance Note . Monthly Statement
(B) Goods Cash Book : Wagon Registration Fee Statement
(C)Goods Balance Sheet ; Wagon Registration Fee Register
(D) Station Balance Sheet : Wagon Registration Fee Statement

Answer : (B) Goods Cash Book : Wagon Registration Fee Statement

100. Terminal Access Charges are levied for containers handled at the CRT.

(A) as per rake basis 
(B) as per actual composition
(C) on actual number of wagons 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (A) as per rake basis 

101. Closing balance of Station Balance Sheet represents

(A) Cash on hand only 
(B) Station Outstanding
(C) Just a balancing item without any purpose 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (B) Station Outstanding

102. Which one of the following is special debit in the Station Balance Sheet?

(A) Error Sheet 
(B) Disallowances by the Cashier
(C) Revenue collected on behalf of other station 
(D) All the above

Answer : (D) All the above

103. Traffic Suspense consists of

(A) Station Outstanding 
(B) Accounts Office Outstanding
(C) Cash in Transit and Balance under Demands Recoverable 
(D) All the above

Answer : (D) All the above

104. Time limit for raising debits ordinarily from the date of transaction is

(A) 3 months 
(B) 6 months 
(C) 12 months 
(D) No such limit.

Answer : (D) No such limit.

105. Admitted debits are cleared by

(A) Cash and Write off by the competent authority 
(B) Salary recovery
(C) Transfer to other stations 
(D) All the above

Answer : (B) Salary recovery

106. Disputed debits are cleared by

(A) Conversion to Admitted and cleared 
(B) Special Credit
(C) Both (A) and (B) 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (C) Both (A) and (B)

107. Error Sheet is prepared in

(A) 2 Copies 
(B) 3 Copies 
(C) 4 Copies 
(D)5 Copies

Answer : (B) 3 Copies

108. Apportionment of traffic earnings is done by /

(C) Northern Railway 
(D) Railway Board

Answer : (D) Railway Board

109. When working expenses of a Railway increases and earnings remaining at the same level, the Operating Ratio performance will become

(A) Poor 
(B) Efficient 
(C) It does not effect 
(D) None of the above

Answer : (A) Poor 

110. Statistical Statement 7A is

(A) Goods Revenue Statistics 
(B) Parcel Traffic Statistics
(C) Passenger Revenue Statistics 
(D)Claims Statistics

Answer : (A) Goods Revenue Statistics 

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TRAFFIC (41) Control Organisation (6) Duty of Operating Staff (6) INDEX (6) Specification (5) Disaster Management (4) Abnormal Working (3) CAUTION ORDER / SPEED RESTRICTIONS (3) Question Bank (3) Railway (3) TNC (3) 01.035 Duty of Points Man/Shunt Man (2) 04.03. OPERATING STATISTICS (2) Accident (2) Accident Drill (2) Automatic Signal (2) Break Binding (2) Crank Handle (2) FREIGHT OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM (FOIS) (2) Operating (2) Question with Answer (2) Safety Device (2) tnc. (2) 001. प्रस्तावना (1) 0010. स्टेशन संचालन नियम की अभिस्वीकृति रजिस्टर (क्र. 1 ) (1) 0011. कर्मचारी वैयक्तिक विवरण रजिस्टर (क्र. 2 ) (1) 0012. कर्मचारी परामर्श रजिस्टर (क्र. 3 ) (1) 0013. निरिक्षण रजिस्टर (क्र. 5 ) (1) 0014. एस एंड टी खराबी रजिस्टर (क्र. 7 ) (1) 0015. सतर्कता आदेश रजिस्टर (क्र. 8) (1) 0016. एस एंड टी खराबी मेमो बुक (क्र. 9 ) (1) 0017. दुर्घटना रजिस्टर (क्र. 11 ) (1) 0018. सतर्कता आदेश मैसेज बुक (क्र. 13) (1) 0019. संरक्षा तथा रजिस्टर (क्र. 14) (1) 002. स्टेशन मास्टर / उप स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी लिस्ट (1) 0020. डिस्कनेक्शन तथा रिकनेक्शन रजिस्टर (क्र. 15) (1) 0021. आपातकालीन क्रास ऑवर टेस्टिंग रजिस्टर (क्र. 16 ) (1) 0022. रिले रूम चाबी रजिस्टर (क्र. 19 ) (1) 0023. संयुक्त पाइंट एंड क्रासिंग रजिस्टर (क्र. 20) (1) 0024. संयुक्त ट्रैक सर्किट रजिस्टर (क्र. 20 A) (1) 0025. असामान्य संचालन रजिस्टर (क्र. 21 ) (1) 0026. स्टेबल लोड रजिस्टर (क्र. 22 ) (1) 0027. सिक बैगन रजिस्टर (क्र. 26) (1) 0028. क्रेक हैंडल टेस्टिंग रजिस्टर (1) 0029. इंजीनियरिंग एवं पॉवर ब्लाक रजिस्टर (1) 003. व्यक्तिगत परिचय (1) 0030. विभिन्न प्रकार के काउंटर नम्बर रजिस्टर (1) 0031. पैनल ब्लाक होने पर - स्टेशन मास्टर के कर्तव्य (1) 0033. गाड़ी संचालन से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण अधिकार पत्र (1) 0034. स्टेशन परिचालन रजिस्टर के संरक्षण की सामान्य अवधि (1) 0035. घंटी कोड (1) 0037. दोहरी लाइन पर इकहरी लाइन का संचालन (1) 0038. कार्यभार सौपते समय तथा कार्यभार लेते समय ली जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0039. संरक्षा उपस्कर (1) 004. पूनश्र्चर्या पाठ्यक्रम (1) 0041. शंटिंग के दौरान ली जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0042. विभिन्न प्रकार के ब्लाक में लि जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0045. अग्रदाय राशि (1) 0046. सिग्नल पार करने (SPAD) पर स्टेशन मास्टर के कर्तव्य (1) 005. आवधिक चिकित्सा परीक्षा (PME) (1) 0051. बोगी कबर्ड बैगनो की जानकारी (1) 0052. कोचिंग स्टॉक का तकनीकी डाटा (1) 0054. LHB कोच की महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियाँ (1) 0056. स्टेशन पर अनिरक्षित किये जाने वाले अन्य रजिस्टर (लेखा विभाग से संबंधित ) (1) 0058. भरे हुए अधिकार पत्र (1) 006. संरक्षा परामर्श फार्म (1) 008. प्रायवेट नंबर शीट (1) 009. स्टेशन संचालन नियम (1) 01.01 History of Rail Transport in India (1) 01.02.Functions of the Traffic Department (1) 01.03. Hierarchical set up and line of control of Operating Department (1) 01.031 Responsibility of Station Master (supervisory) / Station Manager (1) 01.032 Duty of Deputy Station Manager (Outdoor)(Outdoor) (1) 01.033 Duty of Station Master / Manager - Block Station Master / Manager (1) 01.034 Duty of Panel SM (1) 01.036 Duty of Gate Man (1) 01.037 Normal Period Of Preserved - Station Operating Registers and Records (1) 01.04. CONTROL ORGANISATION (1) 01.05. Basic Function of control (1) 01.06. Duties of Control Staff (1) 01.07. Books / documents and basic records to be kept in control office (1) 01.09. Co- ordination between Control and stations (1) 01.10. Registers generally maintained in control (1) 01.11. Items checked by Sr. DOM daily/ regular intervals periodically & monthly (1) 02.01 ट्रेन कंट्रोल एव गाड़िया संचालन में कंट्रोल के जिम्मदारी (1) 02.02 ट्रैफिक कंट्रोल (1) 02.02. Emergency Rescue Operation / Disaster Management (1) 02.03. PREFERENTIAL TRAFFIC ORDER (1) 02.03.पॉवर कंट्रोल (1) 02.04 वैगनो & इंजन की उपयोगिता (ENGINE UTILIZATION) (1) 02.04. Importance of Freight Operation: (1) 02.05. TRANSPORT PRODUCTS (1) 02.06. FREIGHT INCENTIVE SCHEMES (1) 02.07. Rationalization Order (1) 02.08. Development of rail-side warehouses (1) 02.09.. Wagon Pool (1) 02.10. WAGON CENSUS ON BROAD GAUGE (1) 03 - मास्टर चार्ट (MASTER CHART) (1) 03.01. LOCO LINKS AND POWER PLAN CREW LINKS (1) 03.02. 10-Hour Rule for Train Crew (1) 03.03. LOCO MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (1) 03.05. G D R ( GUARD DRIVER REPORT ) (1) 03.06. NOMINATED INTENSIVE EXAMINATION POINTS ON CENTRAL RAILWAY (1) 03.07. WORKING OF CLAMPED WAGON (1) 03.08. ODC (1) 03.10.1 DETAILS OF BRAKE POWER CERTIFICATE (1) 04 - सुबह की पोजीशन (MORNING POSITION) (1) 04.01. Section Capacity and Throughput (1) 04.08. ROLL ON - ROLL OFF (1) 05 - बगाडी संचालन पर प्रभाव डालने वाले कारक (FATO) (1) 05.01. Systems of Working (1) 05.03. All Communication Failure on Double line (1) 05.04. All Communication Failure on Single line (1) 05.05. TSL working on Double line (1) 05.06. Abnormal Working in Automatic Section (1) 06 - 01.उपनगरीय नियंत्रण (SUBURBAN CONTROL) (1) 06 - 02.एरिया कंट्रोल (1) 06 - 04.सेंट्रल कंट्रोल (1) 06 - 05.Emergency control (1) 06- 03.ट्रेन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम (TRAIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) (1) 06.01. LOCO LINK (1) 06.02. RAKE LINK (1) 06.04. MARSHALLING OF TRAIN (1) 07 - नियंत्रण कार्यालय में विभाग नियंत्रकों के कर्त्तव्य (DUTIES) (1) 07.01. TIME TABLES – INTRODUCTION (1) 07.02. Punctuality (1) 07.03. COACHING VEHICLE CENSUS (1) 07.04. Rules for booking Special Coaches & Special Trains on FTR (1) 07.05. Coaching codes (1) 07.06. ACCIDENT AND SAFETY ORGANISATION (1) 08 - विभिन्न परिस्थियों में खण्ड नियंत्रक (SCOR) द्वारा किये जाने वाले कार्य (1) 09 - सवारी गाडी के कोड (IRCA Rule Book - IV) (1) 10 - संखियकी (STATISTICS) (1) 12 - 01.विशेष प्रकार के माल स्टॉक की मार्शलिंग (1) 12 - 02.माल गाडी का ब्लाक रेक / Standard rake size for Train load (1) 12 - 03.ओ डि सि (ODC) संचालन (1) 12 - यात्री और माल गाडी का ब्लाक रेक (1) 13 - 01.डीविज़न वैगन बैलेंस / (DIVISONAL WAGON BALANCE) (1) 14 - 01.थ्रू -पुट / THROUGH PUT (1) 14 - SECTION CAPACITY) (1) 15 - 01.मालगाड़ी को आदेशित करना (ट्रेन ओर्ड़ेरिंग / TRAIN ORDERING ) (1) 15 - 02.माल गाडी की औसात गति (1) 15 - 03.वैगनो का यानात्रण (Transhipment of Goods) (1) 15 - 07.गाड़ीयो का प्रस्थान पूर्व विलंब (PDD) (1) 15 - मालगाड़ी संचालन (Goods Train Operation) एवं लोड टेबल (1) 15 -06.कन्टेनराईजेशन Container (CONCOR) (1) 16 - 02.समय सारणी (TIME TABLE) (1) 16 - 03.रेक लिंक / (RAKE LINK) (1) 16 - 04.प्लेटफार्म ऑक्यूपेशन चार्ट / (Platform Occupation Chart) (1) 16 - 05.पिट लाइन ऑक्यूपेशन चार्ट (Pit Line Occupation Chart) (1) 16 - 06.विषेश/वी आई पी गाड़ीयो का संचालन (Movement of Special/VIP Trains) (1) 16 - 07.मेला एवं मिलिटरी स्पेशल गाड़ियों का संचालन एवं सावधानियाँ (1) 16 - यात्री गाडी संचालन / Passenger Train Operation (1) 17 - स्टॉक रिपोर्ट / Stock Report (1) 18 - 01.क्रू लिंक (CREW LINK) / लोको लिंक (LOCO LINK) (1) 18 - 02.दस घंटे नियम (10 HOURS RULE) (1) 18 - लॉबी कार्य पध्दति / LOBBY WORKING (1) 19 - 01.इंजन योजना (POWER PLAN) (1) 19 - 02.इंजन की उपयोगीता (ENGINE UTILISATION) (1) 19 - 03.विशिष्ठ उर्जा खपत / SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION (SPC) (1) 19 - विभिन प्रकार के इंजन और उनक हार्स पॉवर तथा गती (1) 2.1 Various Machines for Track Maintenance (1) 20 - 01. रेशनलाइजेशन स्कीम : / Rationalization Scheme (1) 20 - 02.रोक (BAN) & प्रतिबंध (RESTRICTION) (1) 20 - 03.वैगन पंजीकरण (1) 20 - 04.वैगन उपयोगीता चक्र (WTR) (1) 20 - 05.वेगन सेन्सस / WAGON CENSUS (1) 20 - वैगन उपयोगीता / अधिमान्य यातायात आदेश :(PTO/PTS) (1) 20.06.माल परिचालन सूचना प्रणाली (FOIS) एवं अन्य परिचालन सूचना प्रणाली (ICMS CMS COA ETC NTES) (1) 21 - 01.विधुतिकृत सेक्शन में गाड़िया का संचालन (1) 21 - 02.ट्रैफिक वोर्किंग रूल्स (TWR) (1) 21 - 03.टावर वैगन का संचालन (1) 21 - 04.रेल मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत सार्वजानिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रम और अन्य संगठन (PSUs) (1) 21 - समपार (लेवल क्रासिंग ) (1) 22 - 01.सिगनल को खतरे की स्तिथि में पर करना (SPAD) (1) 22 - 02.गंभीर दुर्घटना SERIOUS ACCIDENT (ऍम 105) (1) 22 - 03.दुर्घटना होने पर खंण्ड नियंत्रक के कर्त्तव्य (AM - ३१९) (1) 22 - 04.दुर्घटना स्थल के प्रभारी अधिकारी के कर्तव्य (AM - 324) (1) 22 - 05.मंडल नियंत्रण कार्यालय के प्रभारी अधिकारी के कर्तव्य - (AM - 323) (1) 22 - 06.दुर्घटना होने पर स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी (ऍम 311) (1) 22 - 07.रहत व्यवस्थाओ की ओर्ड़ेरिंग देना (AM - 405) (1) 22 - 11.नॉन - इंटरलॉकिंग संचालन (Non - Interlocked Working) (1) 22 - दुर्घटना (Accident) (ऍम 104) (1) 22.10 सुरक्षा डेविसस (Safety Devices) - ACD EOIT GSMR TAWD VCD WILD (1) 23 - कंट्रोल ओफ्फिक निर्देश (1) 24 - COA Main Menu (1) 25 - अग्रीम प्लाटिंग (चार्टिंग) / Advance Plotting (1) 26 - 01.नियंत्रण कार्यालय अनुप्रयोग हेतु त्वरित दिशा निर्दश (1) 26 - COA एवं FOIS के एकीकरण (Integration) हेतु अवय्शक निर्दाश (1) 27 - पश्चिम मध्य रेल तथा मध्य रेल के सहायक नियमो में विभिन्नता की सूची (1) 28 - निरीक्षण उसके उदेश्य और प्रकार (Inspection Its Objects & Type) (1) 28.01 Schedule Of Inspection By Operating / Safety Officers And Transportation Inspectors (1) 29 - दुर्घटना जाँच (Accident Inquiry) (1) 3.031 DIESEL LOCO SCHEDULE & DURATION (1) 3.09 ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE FEATURES (1) A.01 भारतीय रेल का इतिहास एवं प्रगति (1) A.02. भारतीय रेल का संगठनात्मक ढांचा (1) A.03.परिचालन विभाग का सेटअप (1) A.04. महत्वपूर्ण विभागों के सामान्य कार्य (1) A.05 सामान्य एवं सहायक नियम ब्लाक संचालन नियमावली दुर्घटना नियमावली (1) A.06.परिचालन नियमावली/ संचालन समय सारिणी (1) A.07.स्टेशन संचालन नियम (1) A.08.रेल सेवको पर साधारण लागू होने वाले नियम (1) A.09.महत्वपूर्ण परिभाषाए (1) A.10.सिगनलों का सामान्य परिचय (1) A.11.पटाखा सिगनल (1) A.12.हाथ सिगनल (1) A.13.गाड़ी संचालन पध्दतियाँ (1) A.15.वाहनों को सुरक्षित करना (1) A.17.हॉट एक्सल/फ़्लैट टायर/ओपेन डोर एवं हैंकिंग पार्ट (1) A.18.ट्रेन्स क्लर्क के कर्तव्य (1) A.19.स्टेशनों/यार्ड में रखे जाने वाले रजिस्टर (1) A.20.गाड़ी परिचालन में ट्रेन्स क्लर्क की भूमिका (1) A.21.गाड़ी संचालन से समबंधित महत्वपूर्ण नियम (1) A.22.कंट्रोल संगठन के कार्य (1) A.23.स्टेशन/यार्ड/कंट्रोल आफिस के क्रिया कलाप (1) A.24.विभिन्न प्रकार के कोचिंग एवं गुड्स स्टॉक (1) A.25.ब्रेक पावर प्रमाण पत्र (1) A.26.इंजन एवं ब्रेकयान में एयर प्रेशर की मात्रा (1) A.27.कंटीन्युटी टेस्ट (1) A.28.बड़े आयाम के प्रेषण (1) A.29.सेंसस एवं स्टॉक रिपोर्ट (1) A.30.मालगाड़ी संचालन/ गाडियों को आर्डर करना (1) A.31.डिविजन वैगन संतुलन (1) A.32.इन्टरचेंज (1) A.33.शंटिंग प्रतिबन्ध (1) A.35.वैगन पूल (1) A.36.वैगन उपयोगिता चक्र (1) A.37.परिचालन सांख्यिकी / परिचालन अनुपात (1) A.38.मोर्निंग पोजीशन फैटो (1) A.39.कोचिंग एवं गुड्स गाडियों की मार्शलिंग/घाट मार्शलिंग/रेक मार्शलिंग (1) A.41.जीडीआर चेक/ सेफ टू रन सर्टिफिकेट/ ओवर लोडिंग /अनइव्ह्न लोडिंग (1) A.42.लोड टेबल /एक्सल लोड / बैकिंग इंजन की आवश्यकता (1) A.43.माल गाडियों के विभिन्न प्रकार के ब्रेक पावर प्रमाणपत्र उनकी वैधता (1) A.44.स्थान शुल्क एवं विलंब शुल्क स्केटिंग (1) A.46.लोको आउटेज एवं इंजन उपयोगिता (1) ACF (1) ART - Accident Relief Train (1) AUTHORITIES USING IN TRAIN WORKING (1) AWS (1) B.02.एफओआईएस/आर एस एम /टीएमएस /सीओआईएस/आईसीएमएस/पीएएम (1) B.05.यूटीएस/ पीआरएस UTS/PRS (1) B.06.ट्रेन मेनेजमेंट सिस्टम (1) B.07.एसीडी / टीसीएएस (1) BOOKED SPEED (1) Block working (1) COA (1) Correction Slip (1) DUTIES OF STATION MASTER IN THE CASE OF ACCIDENTS (1) Department (1) Departmental Exam Special (1) Duty (1) Duty List (1) Flat Tyre (1) Freight Train Operation (1) G.01 Code for LHB Coaching Stock (1) G.01 रेल सेवकों पर साधारणतया लागू होने वाले नियम (1) G.02 G & SR - परिभाषाएं (1) G.02 स्टेशन पर अग्निसमन उपकरण (1) G.03 इन्टरलाॅकिंग एवं नाॅन-इन्टरलाॅकिंग. (1) G.04 पाॅइन्ट एवं सिगनल (1) G.05 विभिन्न प्रकार की लाइटें एवं रिपीटर (1) G.06 संचालन मे आनेवाले विभिन्न प्रकार के बोर्डं (1) G.07 इंजीनियरिंग सिगनल एवं कार्यस्थल का बचाव (1) G.08 सिगनल तथा पाॅइन्ट की खराबी (1) G.09 सिगनल खराब होने पर गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.10 कार्य संचालन पद्धति (1) G.11केवल एक गाड़ी पद्धति (1) G.12 सम्पूर्ण ब्लाॅक पद्धति (1) G.13 गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.14 स्टेशनों पर बजाई जाने वाली घंटीया (1) G.15 आटोमेटिक ब्लाॅक पद्धति (1) G.16 अनुगामी गाड़ी पद्धति (1) G.17 सतर्कता आदेश (1) G.18 अवरुद्ध लाइन/ बिना सिगनल वाली लाइन व काॅमन स्टार्टर पर गाड़ी का संचालन (1) G.19 शन्टिंग (1) G.21 मार्शलिंग एवं डेड इंजन का संचालन (1) G.21 गाड़ी को स्टेशन से रवाना करना (1) G.23 समयपालन (1) G.24 लोको पायलट व गार्ड के निजी उपकरण (1) G.25 गार्ड व लोको पायलट से संबंधित रजिस्टर व प्रपत्र (1) G.26 रनिंग लाइन पर लोड को स्टेबल व क्लीयर करना (1) G.28 लोको पायलट व गार्ड की ड्यूटी (1) G.29 विभिन परिस्थितियों में लोको पायलट की ड्यूटी (1) G.30 मेटेरियल ट्रेन का संचालन (1) G.31 विभिन्न परिस्थितियों मे स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी (1) G.32 गाड़ियों की गति (1) G.33 कैच एवं स्लिप साइडिंग (1) G.33 स्टेशनों पर विभिन्न उपकरण (1) G.34 लाॅक एवं ब्लाॅक उपकरण (1) G.35 असामान्य परिस्थितियों में गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.36 इंजन सीटी कोड (1) G.37 ई एम यू / एम ई एम यू / डी एम यू में संके तहेतु बेल कोड (1) G.37 नए परिचालन फाॅर्म (1) G.38 इंजीनियरिंग कार्य प्रणाली व इंजीनियरिंग वाहनों का संचाल (1) G.38 पावर ब्लाॅक (1) G.39 पाइथाॅन रैक का संचालन (1) G.40 गाड़ी लिपिक के रजिस्टर व कार्यप्रणाली (1) Golden Hour (1) Group "B" (1) HKT (1) Hotter Code (1) KNOW ABOUT - जन शिकायत पुस्तिका (1) LED Torch (1) Lobby system (1) Loco Pilot Duty (1) MPS (1) MRV-Medical Relief Van (1) Medical Care (1) Mock Drill (1) NDMA (1) Pad Lock (1) Private Number (1) Question Bank & Papers With Answer For Group "B" / Guard / Station Master etc Exam (1) Rule. Manual (1) S 01.0 Significance Of Rule Books (1) S 01.01 Differences Between General And Subsidiary Rules (1) S 02.00 Rules And Instructions (1) S 03.00 Rules Applying To The Railway Servant Generally (1) S 04.00 Definition Of Operating Terms (1) S 05.00 Classification Of Station (1) S 06.00 Signals (1) S 07.00 DETONATING SIGNAL (1) S 08.00 Hand Signal (1) S 09.00 Traffic Board And Engineering Indicators (1) S 11.00 CONDITIONS FOR TAKING OFF SIGNALS (1) S 12.00 CONDITIONS FOR CLEARING THE SECTION AND PRECAUTIONS (1) S 13.00 AUTHORITIES USING IN TRAIN WORKING (1) S 14.00 INTERLOCKING AND ISOLATION (1) S 15.00 POINTS (1) S 16.00 WORKING OF TRAINS DURING OVERHAULING (1) S 17.00 DEFECTIVE POINTS (1) S 19 DEFECTIVE SIGNALS (1) S 20.00 Reception Dispatch And Crossing Of Train At Station (1) S 21.00 SHUNTING (1) S 22.00 PUSHING BACK OF TRAIN (1) S 23.00 SECURING VEHICLES AT STATION (1) S 24.00 VEHICLES ESCAPING FROM STATION (1) S 25.00 WORKING OF MATERIAL TRAIN (1) S 25.01 Procedure of sending material train into the Block Section (1) S 25.02 STABLING OF MATERIAL TRAIN (1) S 26.00 HOT AXLE AND FLAT TYRE (1) S 27.00 WORKING OF TRAIN WITHOUT BRAKE VAN (1) S 28.00 STANDARD TIME (1) S 29.00 SPEED CHART (1) S 30.00 ELECTRIC BLOCK INSTRUMENT (1) S 31.00 TAIL LAMP AND TAIL BOARD (1) S 36.00 TRAIN PARTING (1) S 37.00 TRAIN DIVIDING (1) S 38.00 SEND ASSISTING ENGINE INTO OBSTRUCTED BLOCK SECTION (1) S 39.00 TRAIN DELAYED IN BLOCK SECTION (1) S 40.00 ACCIDENT (1) S 42.00 YARD (1) S 43.00 DUTIES OF STATION STAFF TOWARDS CONTROL (1) S 44.00 WAGON EXCHANGE REGISTER (1) S 45.00 STOCK REPORT (1) S 46.00 WORKING OF TRAIN IN GHAT SECTION / CATCH AND SLIP SIDING (1) S 47.00 MEANS OF COMMUNICATION AND WHISTLE CODE (1) S 48.00 ACTION TAKEN DURING THE ACP (1) S 49.00 WORKING OF TRAIN DURING STORM / ANEMOMETER CYCLONE (1) S 50.00 FIRE IN TRAIN (1) S 51.00 INFORMATION SYSTEM / COA/ FOIS/ ICMS/ PRS etc (1) S 52.00 ACD (1) S 53.00 LOCOMOTIVE LIGHT (1) S 54.00 WORKING OF TRAIN IN ELECTRIFIED SECTION AND TOWER WAGON (1) S 55.00 LEVEL CROSSING GATE (1) S 56.00 OVER DIMENSIONAL CONSIGNMENT (O.D.C. ) (1) S 57.00 MARSHALLING (1) S 58.00 WORKING OF TROLLY/LORRY (1) S 59.00 TYPES OF TRACK MACHINE (1) S 60.00 MANSOON PATROLLING (1) S 61.00 DEFECTIVE PARMANENT WAY (1) S 62.00 WORKING OF LONG HAUL TRAINS (PYTHON) ON CENTRAL RAILWAY (1) S 63.00 HEAVY HAUL TRAINS (1) S 64.00 ABBREVIATION (1) S 65.00 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUBSIDIARY RULES OF CR AND WCR (1) SH (1) SPEED ON TURNOUTS (1) Safety Chain (1) Scotch Block (1) Skid (1) Station Earning (1) Station Inspection (1) TBC Guide (1) Train Manager (Guard) (1) VTO (1) Vehicle Guidance (1) Video (1) WORKING OF TRACK MACHINE (TTM etc.) (1) Yard Congestion (1) fois (1) k (1) long Haul (1) योजना बनाने में स्टेशन मास्टर की भूमिका (1) सिगनलों का आदान प्रदान (1) स्टेशन मास्टर अवश्य ध्यान दे (1)