Material train means a department train intended solely or mainly for carriage of Railway
material when picked up or put down or for execution of works either between station or
within the station limits.
WORKING PROCEDURE :- ( IN THE BLOCK SECTION) A material train shall be worked only with the permission of station masters on each side
and in accordance with special instructions.
On receipt of advice from the engineering department the Sr. Divisional Operating
Manager (Sr. DOM/ DOM) will order the train by issuing letter to all concerned detailing
the sections over which the material train will work. The following details are written.
I. Name of the section over which the material train will work.
II. The date of commencing the work.
III. The station at which it will be stabled.
IV. The officials who will be in-charge of the train.
1. The Engineering department must give adequate notice but not less than 3 days regarding
the working of material train.
2. If working of material train is suspended for more than fifteen days or the section over
which it is to do work is altered a fresh “all concerned” letter must be issued.
3. Each material train must have at least on 10 tons brake van a rear and where available two
brake van one in front and other in rear.
4. The Engineering supervisor in-charge of material train must ensure that the rake with
vacuum brake Is examined at least once in 10 days and in case of air brake once in 15 days.
5. The brake power certificate (BPC) issued by C&W staff should be in possession of the
Engineering supervisor in change before the material train is allowed to proceed.
6. Engineering supervisor is responsible for examination of Material train periodically
7. A material train shall usually work between sunrise and sunset. In Mumbai- Kalyan section
and in an urgent case in other sections the DRM may authorize the working of material
train after sun set.
8. When running between block sections with the engine leading, the speed of material must
not exceed the prescribed speed of goods train.
9. No un-loading will be done while the train is in motion except under the order of the
engineering official in-charge and at a speed not exceeding 8 kmph.
10. When the engine is pushing back the train, the brake van is leading and guard is present in
the brake van, the speed must not exceed 25 kmph in straight line and 8kmph over a turn
11. The Guard must exhibit hand signals to the loco pilot.
12. The train crew must be vigilant especially in the direction in which the train is moving and
must be prepared to stop short of any obstruction or level crossing.
13. When approaching a turn out the Guard must stop the train and satisfy himself that the
points are correcting set and that all the non-interlocked points are locked and manned.
14. When the engine is pushing the train and the brake van is not leading the Guard must
travel in the leading vehicle which is fitted with vacuum air brake or hand brake. If leading
vehicle is not so fitted he will travel in the nearest vehicle there to so fit. He must exhibit
hand signals to the Loco pilot and will follow item No. 12, 13.
15. A material train must not be divided outside the station limit.
16. A material train should work on the Right Path. If a material train has to be pushed back to
the station from where it has started the rule for pushing back as given in SR-4.12-2 must
be followed. If the material train has to work in the block section in the rear, the line must
be blocked back and Loco pilot must be given an authority on prescribed from for entering
the section. At a station where Daido’s lock and block instrument are fitted the Loco pilot
shall be given the occupation key for entering the rear block section.
17. When material train is working between stations, the Guard will in consultation with the
Engineering official in charge of the material train depute adequate number of permanent
competent engineering staffs to protect the train by means of banner flags as follows.
18. The person or persons deputed for protecting the train will proceed to the rear of the train
on double line and both in rear an front on single line 600 meters on broad gauge and 400
meter in narrow gauge and will place the banner flag across the track or in case of cutting
or other obstructions, at such other places not less than 600 in BG and 400 meter in NG so
that the banner flag is clearly visible to the driver of approaching train. The person deputed
to protect the train must place two detonators at 10 meters apart. A person shall be
deputed at 45 meter from the last detonator with a danger hand signal to shown the driver
of approaching train. He must shift the banner flag and the detonators when necessary as
the train moves.