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Stock report is summarized statement of available number of wagons in hand or requirement of wagons at station, which is reported to the control office over telephone daily 16 hours by station and yards. Where telephone is not available or there is a busy schedule of works or in non-controlled sections, the stock report is sent by any train. The stock report gives position of rolling stocks in the division at 20 hours of last day. Hence it is otherwise called 20 O’ Clock report. Stock report is reported in various codes used for the purpose. In control office, it is recorded in two sheets on printed format bearing the number T/84 B – 182. The Stock Report gives the following information

1. Number of wagons loaded or empty available at the stations.

2. Tarpaulin sheets and ropes on hand at the stations. 

3. Wagons, tarpaulin, and rope required at the stations. 

4. Number of wagons loaded and unloaded at the station in last 24 hours. 

5. Total traffic in wagons loaded waiting for departure in either UP or DN directions (CR for UP and FR for DN). 

6. Wagons detained for clearance in UP and DN directions. 

7. Sick wagons loaded or empty waiting for repairs. 

8. Wagons waiting over 24 hours for loading and unloading at correct destinations. 

9. Wagons on hand for unloading. 10. Unconnected wagons. 

11. Position of transshipment, goods sheds and repairing sheds. 

On receipt of stock report from all the stations of the division, the control office will compile them properly and prepare a summarized statement showing particulars of the stocks in the division. Copies of the summary are sent to DRM, Sr. DOM, COM and CCM. 

In case of busy stations or in busy the busy season, the number of indents registered outstanding may be long and notifying the outstanding may be time consuming. In order to save the time, the complete details of registered indents are recorded in the station requisition register and are sent once in a week to the control office which is kept in the control office register. Only the fresh indents and indents cancelled are repeated through telephone or are sent through trains and the station requisition register is maintained up to date by posting daily the information received.

Utility of Stock Report

1. On the information rendered by the stock report, most of the statistics are taken on railways. Hence a slight error or omission may result in very grave mistake. Hence the correctness of the stock report should be emphasized and utmost care should be taken while preparing the stock report.

 2. As per the requirements of the indents in the stock report, it helps the Chief Controller and Dy. CHC in allotment of wagons as per the priority. 

3. On the basis of stock report, the CHC comes to know the ODR of the station and supply wagons accordingly.

 4. Labors can be arranged for loading and unloading on the basis of stock report. 

5. Keeping in view of the requirements in the stock report, the CHC (Chief Controller) scrutinizes the empties position of the section as well as in the yard. Hence it decides whether empty wagons can be supplied from the station itself or from yard. On the basis of stock report, the CHC controller gives messages for supplying and clearance of empty wagons. Any error in the stock report may result in short supply or non-clearance of wagons. 

6. The CHC will supply suitable empties the column “WW” and can also arrange labors for transshipment. 

7. The section controller may order sectional trains for clearance of wagons/empties not required or wagons from road side station for proper utilization of wagons. 

8. The CHC can arrange to send tarpaulin and rope for wagon as per requirement. 

9. DCM while analyzing the stock report find the wagons supplied is as per the priority and ODR. And also ensure that there is no detention of wagons on commercial account. Also have view about the works at goods sheds, transshipment shed, and may reduce or increase labour as per the requirement. He can also analyze the flow of traffic either regular or seasonal traffic or diverted traffic. 

10. On the basis of this report the CCM can analyze the flow of traffic in the railways and advise COM about the changes for improvement. 

11. On the basis of this report Sr. DOM analyze the deficiencies in the division and for the dates to come to know about the way of transportation in the division and proper utilization of available facilities. 

12. On the basis of stock report, DOM decides the number of wagons required and extra wagons in the division to be placed for sidings or to be dispatched for other railways or to other division in the same zone.


1. Helps to give an idea of available wagons at stations or yard.

 2. Helps in minimizing the delay in transportation of special types of wagons. 

3. Gives information about the load to be cleared and train can be ordered for the same. 

4. Gives position of empty wagons and thereby sending them for loading. 

5. Minimize the delay and maximum utility can be obtained from the wagon. 

Codes used in Stock Report

1. Loaded wagons in UP and DN directions (to be unloaded)- 

a. TLA- position at 8 O’ Clock 

b. TL- position at 18 O’ Clock 

2. Available/required tarpaulin

a. S- No. available tarpaulin 

b. SW- No. of tarpaulin required. 

3. Available/required Ropes 

a. R- Available rope. 

b. RW- Required rope. 

4. Wagons waiting for departure

a. UL- Loaded wagons for UP direction 

b. UE- Empty wagons for UP direction 

c. DL- Loaded wagons for DN direction 

d. DE- Empty wagons for DN direction 

5. Wagons detained for clearance for more than 24 hours

a. LU- Loaded wagons in UP direction 

b. LD- Loaded wagons in DN direction 

c. EU- Empty wagons in UP direction 

d. ED- Empty wagons in DN direction 

e. WN- Wagons waiting for transshipment 

6. Sick wagons waiting for repair

a. VL- Loaded wagon 

b. WL- Empty wagon 

7. Commodities waiting to be loaded in the wagon

a. CR- UP direction 

b. FR- DN direction 

8. Wagons waiting for unloading for more than 24 hrs or Wagons ready for departure

a. LL- To be loaded 

b. TD- To be unloaded

c. WT- Transshipment of sick wagon or wagon waiting for labour 

9. Wagons loaded in last 24 hrs

a. LA- Loaded covered wagons in UP direction 

b. LD- Loaded open wagons in UP direction 

c. LC- Loaded Covered wagons in DN direction 

d. LD- Loaded Open wagons in DN direction 

10. Indents of wagon

a. WU- Indents of wagon in UP direction 

b. WD- Indents of wagon in DN direction
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