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In order to indicate the station staff that the train is complete, the last vehicle shall be distinguished by affixing to the rear of it

a) By day, a tail board of approved design or a red painted tail lamp of approved design which may be unlit. 

b) By night, as well as in thick and foggy or tempestuous whether impairing visibility during day, a red lamp of flashing red light to indicate last vehicle check device. 

c) In emergency a red flag of approved design can be used in place of tail board. 

d) The rear most vehicle on EMU train shall show a red disc in the train indicator. A similar indication is not given in any part of the train. At night at least one red light will be shown in addition to the red disk in the train indicator which will be illuminated. 

e) A light engine or engines moving in the block section must carry a red flag in day and red lamp of panel marker is lit behind the rear most engine. 

f) If two or more engines are running coupled together without vehicles attached, the tail lamp/board should be attached behind the rear most engine.

The Train passed without TL/TB signal

1. If a train passes a station without a tail lamp or tail board SM must at once sent the “Train passed without tail lamp/tail Board” 6-2 beats signal on the block instrument to the station in advance and also inform the section controller in the controlled section and will not send ‘Train out of section’ signal to the station in rear but inform the SM about the same immediately on the telephone. If a train passes with extinguished Tail Lamp but the lamp is clearly visible to the SM, he/she will give the ‘Train out of section (4 beats) to the section in rear and the ‘Train passed without Tail lamp’ (6 pause 2 beats) signal to the station in advance and advice the SM of the station in advance on the telephone that the Tail Lamp is extinguished. In such a case it is not necessary for the SM sending or receiving this signal to stop any train going in the opposite direction. 

2. The SM sending the ‘Train passed without tail lamp/tail board signal must put Departure signals at ‘ON’ to stop any train from the opposite direction. After the stoppage of the train the Guard and the Driver of the train shall be advised of the circumstance and issue caution order to proceed cautiously and stop short of any obstruction. 

3. The SM of the station in advance on receiving the train passed without Tail lamp/Tail Board must

i) Acknowledge it by giving 6-2 beat 

ii) Place fixed Departure signals at ‘ON’ to stop the train for which the “Train passed without tail lamp/tail board” signal is received. 

iii) Stop the train proceeding in the opposite direction and advice the Guard and Driver of the circumstance and issue a caution order instructing them to proceed cautiously and be prepared to stop short of any obstruction. 

iv) Ascertain from the Guard of the train for which the ‘Train passed without tail lamp/tail board’ signal was received about the complete arrival of the train on T/1410 (Train Intact Arrival Register).

V) If the train is complete send the ‘Train out of section’ signal or the “IN” report to the station in rear. vi) If the train is incomplete advice the controller and the SM in rear and take action in accordance with G.R 6.09 & BWM Para 4.12. 

vii) Instruct the Guard to light the tail lamp if it is out or fix tail lamp board if no tail lamp/tail board is available on the last vehicle. 

4. The SM of the station in rear, after getting advice from the station in advance on the Block instrument/ telephone that the train has arrived completely than will send “Train out of section” signal to the station in rear. 

5. If the SM of the station in advance not sending ‘Train out of the section’ signal and advised on the telephone to the station in rear that the train has arrived incomplete. The SM of the station in rear will take action in advance with BWM 4.12.
Information/News/Video provided in this Platform has been collected from different sources. We Believe that “Knowledge Is Power” and our aim is to create general awareness among people and make them powerful through easily accessible Information. NOTE: We do not take any responsibility of authenticity of Information/News/Videos.
