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 1. To protect the Obstructions.
2. To give prior information about the obstructions.
3. To give pre-indication of route to the loco pilot.
4. To control the traffics.


1. Unless approved by special instructions, the signals shall always be placed to the left of or above the related line.

2. The fixed signals shall be so fixed that; it would be continuously visible to the loco pilot.

3. The front side of the semaphore signals shall be painted with the color which it is illuminated at night at its ON position.

4. The arm of the semaphore stop signals is painted red and there is white strip on it. If the arm is painted yellow, then the strip will be painted black instead of white strip.

5. In general, the normal position of any stop signal shall be ON and shall be taken OFF just before the arrival of the train and shall be taken ON after passage of the train. On the other hand the normal aspect of Automatic Stop Signal is “Proceed” (Green).

6. The signals are so designed that it will remain at ON when they become defective.

7. If any signal is not in use, it shall not be illuminated at night and a wooden cross bar will be provided on it.

8. If a signal is not visible to the to the SM or signal operator from his office (Cabin or SM’s Office) then a Signal Repeater will be provided for the signal.

9. At one time, only one signal will be provided at a signal post, but under approved special instruction more than one signal may be provided in a single post. In that situation, the highest semaphore arm will represent the main signal and left arm will indicate the loco pilot to move in left line and the right arm will indicate to move in the right line.

10. No signal shall be fixed without prior approval of the Commissioner Of Railway Safety (CRS)

11. No signals shall be taken OFF without the permission of SM.

12. The signals used at night may be used in the day in tunnels and tempestuous weather.

13. If a new signal is to be erected or it needs to be change the position of the signal, then caution orders shall be issued to the Loco Pilot and Guard for 10 days to inform them about the position of the signal.

14. If a signal is not visible to the Loco Pilot at its minimum sighting distance, then Repeating Signal or Co-Acting Signal shall be provided as per the requirement.

15. At Non-Interlocked Station, a single signal shall be provided for all the lines in same direction.

16. At Interlocked Stations, Bracketed Signal or Route Indicator should be provided to give indication of different lines.

17. Where the Traffics are very low, under approved special instruction, a stop signal may be provided for both the direction at an adequate distance from the facing point.

18. In TALQ signaling system, where the trains pass through the station with a speed of more than 50 KMPH a Warner Signal may be provided.

19. The signal, once visible to the Loco Pilot should remain visible to him continuously until he reaches the signal.

20. In semaphore signal the back side of the signal shall be painted white and there will be a black strip on it. In TALQ system the arm shall be lowered by 45 0 to 60 0 from its normal parallel position at ON when it is taken OFF. On the other hand in MAUQ system the arm will be raised by 45 0 or 90 0 from its normal parallel position at ON. At ON position the arm shall remain parallel. If the position of the arm is not as above, the signal shall be treated defective.


1. Fixed Signal
2. Hand Signal
3. LED based HS Lamp (warning signal)
4. Detonating Signal.

Minimum Sighting Distance

 It means, the minimum specified distance from which a signal shall be visible to the Loco Pilot, and it shall be as follows.

In TALQ system- 

Outer Signal 

a) 1200 meters in those sections where sectional speed is 100 KMPH or above.
b) 800 meters where sectional speed is less than 100 KMPH.
c) 400 meters where Warner signal is separated.

2. Warner Signal on a post by itself            400 Meters

3. Home Signal                                           400 meters

4. Main Starter Signal                                 400 meters

5. All other signals                                       200 meters

 In MAUQ system

1. Distance Signal                                       400 meters

2. Inner Distance Signal                             200 meters

3. All Stop Signals                                     200 meters

Note:- Where adequate visibility of stop signals cannot be maintained, Repeater Signal or CoActing Signal shall be provided, and if not possible, a suitable speed restriction shall be imposed.

Permissive Signal

It is those signals which can be passed by the Loco Pilot even if the aspect of the signal is ON. The Warner Signal in TALQ signaling System and The Distance Signal in MAUQ/ MACLS signaling system are the permissive signals.

Warner Signal:-GR 3.6 

1. It is a permissive signal which is found only in TALQ signaling system in Central Railway.

2. The arms of these signals are painted red and the extreme end of the signal is fish-tailed. A parallel white strip is found at this end.

3. The Warner Signal is provided to warn the Loco Pilot that he is approaching to a stop signal or it indicates him about the condition of the block section ahead.

4. The Warner Signal is provided on a single post by itself or it may be provided below the first stop signal or below the last stop signal.

5. When Warner Signal is provided on a single post, a fixed green light shall be illuminated 1 ½ to 2 meters above it.

6. When Warner Signal is placed below the first stop signal or the last stop signal, the variable light of the Stop Signal take the place of fixed green light of the Warner signal and the mechanical arrangement shall be such that the Warner Signal cannot be taken OFF while the stop signal above it is ON.

7. If Warner Signal is provided on a post by itself, it will be placed at an adequate distance before the First Stop signal or Gate Stop Signal.

8. When Warner Signal is provided below a stop signal, the Loco Pilot shall first obey the aspect of Stop Signal.

9. At ON position the arm of the Warner Signal will be parallel to the ground in the day and at night it will be illuminated with red light. The ‘ON’ aspect of the Warner Signal warns the Loco Pilot to proceed cautiously and be prepared to stop at next stop signal.

10.Warner Signal shall be taken OFF in ASHOW order. In OFF condition the arm of the signal shall be lowered by 45-60 degree in the day and will be illuminated with green light at night.

11. The OFF aspect of the Warner Signal indicates the followings

a) The block section ahead is free from any obstruction

b) Line clear has been obtained for the train.

c) The train has to pass THROUGH main line.

d) All the approaching and departure signals of the main line has been taken OFF for the train.


1. It is permissive signal which is found only in MAUQ / MACLS signaling system.

2. A semaphore Distant Signal has a fish tailed arm painted with yellow color and has a black strip at its end.

3. In MACLS system it is provided with a white circular disk on which “P” is painted in black for its identification.

4. It is placed at 1000 meters in rear of the First Stop Signal of the station or the Gate Stop signal.

5. It indicates the condition of the Stop Signal ahead.

6. It is provided on a post by itself or in MACLS system, it may be provided with the Last Stop Signal of the station or with the Gate Signal under the approved special instruction. In such condition the “P” marker shall not be provided with.

7. When provided with the LSS of the station or with the Gate signal, the arrangement shall be such that the signal shall not display less restrictive than the “Stop” aspect till “Line Clear” has been obtained from the station ahead in the former case and until the level crossing gates have been closed and locked against the road traffic in the later case.

8. Where necessary more than one Distant Signal may be provided. In such case, the outermost signal is called the Distant Signal and is located at an adequate distance from the FSS. The other is called Inner Distant Signal.

9. Where double Distant Signals are provided, the Distant Signal is identified by alternate Yellow and Black bands painted on the post with “P” marker


Stop signals are such signals which the Loco Pilot shall not pass at its ON position without any authority. They are of two categories.

1) Approaching Stop Signals

 2) Departure Stop Signals.

Approaching Stop Signals

The Stop Signals which controls the movement of trains approaching a station are called Approaching Stop Signals. They are of three kinds- Outer, Home, Routing Signals.

TALQ- Outer, Home,

Routing MAUQ- Home,

Routing MACLS- Home, Inner Home or Junction type Route Indicator


1. Outer Signal is found only in B Class Station and in TALQ Signaling System. 

2. It is found both in Single and Double Line. 

3. It is the First Stop Signal (FSS) of the Station. (In B-Class, TALQ). It is provided at an adequate distance outside the point up to which the line may be obstructed after Line Clear has been granted to or obtained by a station in rear. 

4. This Signal cannot be taken OFF for Shunting purpose. 

5. In double line it is located at 400 meters in rear of the Home Signal and in single line it is located 400/ 580 meters in rear of the Home Signal. 

6. In Central Railway the Outer Signal is interlocked with Home Signal. 

7. Under approved special instruction, one Outer Signal may be provided in either direction in the single line section at an adequate distance from the facing point


1. It is approaching stop signal.

2. The Home Signal is the First Stop Signal (FSS) of the station where no outer signal is provided. But it is second stop signal where an outer signal is provided. At C-Class Station it is first and last stop signal of the station.

3. It shall be provided outside all connections and points on the line to which it refers.

4. It protects the all the facing points of the line it refers and in OFF condition it guarantees all the facing points being set and locked for the related line.

5. Where there are multiple lines, in TALQ/MAUQ Bracketed Home is provided on a single post and in MACLS system Home Signal is provided with Route Indicators (otherwise called Lunar Light, in which 5 bulbs is provided out of which at least 3 bulbs should be illuminated unless it is treated to be defective.)

6. At C-Class Station, Home Signal being the First and Last Stop Signal of the station, cannot be taken OFF until line clear is obtained from the station in advance.


1. It is approaching stop signal which controls the movement of the train approaching to a station.

2. This signal is provided in such situation where the home signal fails to indicate the Loco Pilot on which line out of a number of lines he will proceed with his train.

3. In semaphore signal it is of bracketed type.

4. It can be taken OFF for shunting purpose.


The Stop signal which controls the movement of the trains leaving the station are called the departure signals. They are of three kinds

1. Starter

2. Intermediate Starter

 3. Advance Starter.


1. When train leaving a station is guided by only one starting signal, it is the Last Stop Signal of the station and is called the Starter.

2. It located in such a place that it protects the facing points connecting the other lines and the fouling mark.

3. THE OFF condition of this signal guarantees the Loco Pilot about the line being clear of any obstruction up to the next stop signal and also guarantees about the points being set and locked.

4. If the Starter Signal is the Last Stop Signal of the station it can only be taken OFF when line clear is obtained from the station in advance.

5. If the Starter signal is free from Advance Starter, it can be taken OFF for shunting purpose.


1. When train leaving a station is guided by more than one Starter Signal, the outermost starting signal is the Last Stop Signal of the Station and is called the Advance Starter.

 2. The Starter where only one such signal is provided or the Advance Starter, shall be fixed at the limit beyond which no train may pass, unless the Loco Pilot is given the authority to proceed required under the system of working and shall be placed outside all the connections and points on the line to which it refers

3. Being the Last Stop Signal of the Station, it controls the entrance of the train into the Block Section.

4. On double line, taking OFF the Advance Starter Signal is Authority to Proceed for the Loco Pilot.

5. On double line and on single line with token less block instrument, the Advance Starter signal is interlocked with the block instrument.

6. This signal cannot be taken OFF for shunting operation or shunting operation beyond this limit shall be carried out only in accordance with the special instructions.


1. At junction stations, Intermediate Starter signal is provided between Starter and Advance Starter signals as per the requirement.

2. Intermediate Starter signal can be of Bracketed type or provided with route indicator.

 3. It guarantees the line being clear up to the next stop signal and the points being set and locked.


Besides the main signal, some signals are provided at the station for the safe movement of  the trains. These signals are called Subsidiary Signals.


1) Calling-On signal is a subsidiary signal which has no independent aspect in the On position and shall be –

a. a short square ended semaphore arm, or

 b. a miniature colour light provided with a (C) marker.

2) A calling-on signal shall be fixed below a stop signal governing the approach of a train.

3) Under approved special instruction, a calling-on signal may be provided below any other Stop Signal except the Last Stop Signal.

4) A calling-on signal, when taken OFF, calls the Loco Pilot of a train to draw ahead with caution, after the train has been brought to a stop even though the Stop signal above is at ON and indicates to the Loco Pilot that he should be prepared to stop short of any obstruction.

5) A calling-on signal shall show no light in the ON position.

 6) Calling-on signal is taken OFF under the following circumstances:

 i) Main signal is defective.

 ii) Condition of taking OFF the main signal is not fulfilled.

 iii) Reception of train on an obstruction line. iv) Track circuit/ axle counter is failed.


1) It is subsidiary signal and shall be either

 a) A white disk with a red bar across it.

 b) A position light signal

c) Under special instruction a shunt signal may be miniature semaphore arm.

2) Shunt Signal controls the shunting movement.

3) A shunt signal may be placed on a post by itself of below a stop signal other than the first stop signal of a station.

4) More than one shunt signal may be provided on the same post and when so placed the top most shunt signal shall apply to the extreme left hand line and the second shunt signal from the top shall apply to the next line from the left and so on.

5) When a Shunt Signal is Taken OFF, it authorizes the Loco Pilot to draw ahead with caution for shunting purposes although stop signal, if any, above it is at ON.

6) When a Shunt Signal is placed below a Stop Signal, it shall show no light in ON position.

7) In case shunt signals are not provided, hand signal may be used for shunting.

8) If a Shunt Signal becomes defective during shunting, no separate authority is issued to pass it at ON position rather shunting description are written on T-806.


1) The shunting permitted indicator always works in conjunction with a stop signal or a shunt signal.

2) It shows in both directions, by day, a black disc with yellow cross painted on it and by night, a yellow cross illuminated by light, when shunting is permitted in the direction to which it refers.

3) Shunting Permitted indication when given it authorize the Loco Pilot to pass the associated stop/shunt signal in ON position.

4) A proceed hand signal must always be shown at the signal in respect of the movement controlled by the Shunting Permitted Indicator.


1. Co-Acting Signal is a duplicate signal fixed below the main signals and are provided where, in consequence of the height of the signal post or there being an over bridge or any other obstructions, the arm of the main signal or the light in not visible to the Loco Pilot continuously when he is approaching it.

2. Co-Acting signals are fitted in such a height that either of the main signal or the co-acting signal is visible to the Loco Pilot continuously.

 3. Both the Co-acting and Main Signals are operated by same lever.


1. When a signal is not visible from its minimum sighting distance due to curvature or any other reason a Repeating Signal is provided.

2. A signal fixed in rear of the a fixed signal for the purpose of repeating the aspect of the signal to the Loco Pilot of an approaching train in advance is called a Repeating Signal.

3. A repeating Signal shall be provided with an “R” marker and shall be of -  

a. Banner type

b. A square ended semaphore arm

c. A Color Light Signal.

4. It is permissive type signal. It gives yellow light at its ON position which means the next signal is at its ON position. It shows a green light at its OFF position which means the next signal is also at its OFF position.


1) Gate stop signals are those signals which are placed at an adequate distance from the level crossing gate.

2) Generally the Gate Stop Signals of traffic gate are interlocked with the stop signals of the station.

3) Gate Stop Signal controls the rail traffics and protects the road traffics.

4) In OFF condition it ensure to the Loco Pilot that the gate being closed and locked against the road traffics. On the other hand at its ON condition it informs Loco Pilot that the gate is open for the road traffic or is defective.

5) These signals are of two types

i) G marker Gate Stop Signal

ii) Without G marker Gate Stop Signal.

6) G marker Gate Stop Signal- For the identification if these signals a yellow circular disk is provided on the signal post and “G” is painted in black. The Loco Pilot can pass these signals at their ON position after halting at the signal one minute by day and two minutes by night.

7) Without “G” marker Gate Stop Signal-Without G marker Gate Stop Signal is provided at such places if there is a Bridge or Rail-Cum-Road bridge in between the Gate and Gate Stop Signal. The Loco Pilot cannot pass this signal at its ON position unless the train is piloted by the gateman.


i. Gate Stop Signal in Automatic Section

ii. Gate Stop Signal on Semi-Automatic Section.

1. Gate Stop Signal in Automatic Section

i. It is provided with the letter “G” in black on a yellow circular disk and white illuminated letter “A” against the black background.

ii. Illuminated “A” marker indicates that the Gate is closed and locked against the road traffic. At this situation if the main signal is at ON position, the Loco Pilot can pass this signal like the Automatic signal at ON.

iii. Extinguished ‘A’ marker indicates that the gate is open for the road traffic or the gate signal is defective. The Loco Pilot shall pass it at ON position as per the rules applicable to pass “G” marker Gate Stop Signal at ON.

2. Semi-Automatic Gate Stop Signal

1. It protects the points in addition to the level crossing gate and shall be provided with white illuminated ‘A’ and white illuminated “AG” marker against black background. The indications of these signals are as follows-

  • Either “A” or “AG” will be illuminated at a time. 
  • “A” marker will be illuminated when the gate is closed against the road traffic and the points are set and locked for the route. The Loco Pilot shall pass it at On position as per the rules applicable to pass an automatic signal at ON position. 
  • ‘”AG” marker will be illuminated only when the gates are either open for the road traffic or have failed but points are correctly set and locked for the route and the Loco Pilot shall pass it at ON position as per the rules applicable to the ‘G’ marker type Gate Stop Signal. 
  • If neither the “A” marker nor the “AG” marker is illuminated it means that neither the gate is closed against the road traffic nor the points are set and closed. The Loco Pilot shall not pass it at ON position until proper authority is issued to him.

1. It is stop signal found only in automatic signaling territories.

2. “A” is written on a white circular disk provided on the signal post for identification of this signal.

3. The normal aspect of these signals are PROCEED (GREEN).

4. These signals are automatically controlled by the passage of train.

5. These signals are found in those sections where no gates or points are found.

6. The Loco Pilot can passes these signals at their ON position by stopping one minute by day and two minutes by night at the signal.

7. When the Loco Pilot passes these signals at their OFF position, they automatically turn ON position and shall not replace to their OFF position until the line is clear from any obstructions not only up to the next stop signal but also for an adequate distance (120 mts) beyond the it.


1. A Semi-Automatic Stop Signal is capable of being operated either as an Automatic or as a Manual stop signal as per the requirement.

2. An illuminated white “A” marker is provided on the signal post for its identification.

3. These signals are operated by either by king lever or by AGGN/AGGYN button on the panel.

4. When “A” marker is illuminated on the signal post, the signal works as an Automatic Stop Signal. At this time the Loco Pilot can pass this signal at its ON position as an Automatic Stop Signal by halting at the signal by one minute in the day and two minutes by night.

5. When the “A” marker is extinguished, it works as a manually operated stop signal. At this situation the Loco Pilot cannot pass this signal at its ON position without proper authority.

6. These signals are generally provided at those automatic sections where gates and points are found.


GR-3.11, SR-3.70-2 (b), GR-3.42, GR-3.75, SR-3.75-14, GR-14.14 

1. It is provided on double line MACLS territories.

2. It is an un-manned “C” class station, remotely controlled by the SM in rear.

3. The purpose of this system is to divide a long block section into two smaller block sections.

4. In this system the stop signal, provided in the block section is called as IBS.

5. Letters “IB” in black is painted on white circular disc for its identification.

6. Distant signal is provided at a distance OF 1000 meters for this signal.

7. The line between the LSS of the station in rear and up to 400 meters beyond IBS signal is either track circuited or provided with the axle counters.

8. A track berthing indicator is provided at the station in rear to indicate whether the track circuited portion is clear or not. Track berthing indicator shows green or no light, if the track circuited portion is clear, and it shows red light if the track circuited portion is not clear.

9. A signal post telephone is provided on the IBS signal post to communicate with the SM in rear.

10. IBS signal is interlocked with the block instrument of the station in advance.

11. Line clear is obtained by the track circuit/ axle counter indicator and the train can be dispatched up to the IBS signal. Line clear is obtained on the block instrument from the station in advance to take OFF the IBS signal.

12. As soon as the train clears the track circuited portion, another train can be dispatched up to the IBS signal.

Circumstances under Which the IBS signal is treated Closed 

1. During TSL working on the double line.

2. On failure of the IBS signal itself.

3. On failure of the Distant Signal of the IBS at OFF position.

4. On failure of the Block Instruments.

5. On failure of the Track Circuit/Axle Counter.

6. On failure of the IBS signal repeater.

7. During All Communication Fail. (ACF)


 1. When the Loco Pilot finds the IBS signal at On position, he shall bring his train to a stop in rear of the signal, advise the Guard of the fact by sounding one continuous long whistle and contact the SM in rear by the signal post telephone (SPT) provided on the IBS signal.

2. If the IBS is defective and the SM in rear has obtained line clear, then SM will give the private number with his initial to the Loco Pilot, which the Loco Pilot must enter in his memo book (T/245B) and sound 0—0 whistle and start his train after exchanging alright signal with the Guard with normal speed.

3. If the talk back is defective, the Loco Pilot shall wait for 5 minutes at the signal and if the IBS is not taken OFF within this period, he shall sound one long whistle (──) and start his train after exchanging alright signal with the Guard. Under such circumstances the speed of the train shall not exceed 15 KMPH if the visibility is clear and 8KMPH if the visibility is not clear and he shall be extremely vigilant and continue to proceed cautiously till he reaches the foot of the next stop signal. On being received at the station ahead, he shall report the SM about the failure of the IBS signal and SPT.

4. As soon as SM in rear comes to know that the IBS signal along with SPT are defective, he shall treat the IBS signaling as closed and after obtaining line clear from the station ahead, he will issue T/369 (3b) clearly mentioning that Line Clear has obtained from the station in advance and quoting the private number received on getting Line Clear from the station in advance. Both the block sections will be considered as a single block section.
Information/News/Video provided in this Platform has been collected from different sources. We Believe that “Knowledge Is Power” and our aim is to create general awareness among people and make them powerful through easily accessible Information. NOTE: We do not take any responsibility of authenticity of Information/News/Videos.



TRAFFIC (41) Control Organisation (6) Duty of Operating Staff (6) INDEX (6) Specification (5) Disaster Management (4) Abnormal Working (3) CAUTION ORDER / SPEED RESTRICTIONS (3) Question Bank (3) Railway (3) TNC (3) 01.035 Duty of Points Man/Shunt Man (2) 04.03. OPERATING STATISTICS (2) Accident (2) Accident Drill (2) Automatic Signal (2) Break Binding (2) Crank Handle (2) FREIGHT OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM (FOIS) (2) Operating (2) Question with Answer (2) Safety Device (2) tnc. (2) 001. प्रस्तावना (1) 0010. स्टेशन संचालन नियम की अभिस्वीकृति रजिस्टर (क्र. 1 ) (1) 0011. कर्मचारी वैयक्तिक विवरण रजिस्टर (क्र. 2 ) (1) 0012. कर्मचारी परामर्श रजिस्टर (क्र. 3 ) (1) 0013. निरिक्षण रजिस्टर (क्र. 5 ) (1) 0014. एस एंड टी खराबी रजिस्टर (क्र. 7 ) (1) 0015. सतर्कता आदेश रजिस्टर (क्र. 8) (1) 0016. एस एंड टी खराबी मेमो बुक (क्र. 9 ) (1) 0017. दुर्घटना रजिस्टर (क्र. 11 ) (1) 0018. सतर्कता आदेश मैसेज बुक (क्र. 13) (1) 0019. संरक्षा तथा रजिस्टर (क्र. 14) (1) 002. स्टेशन मास्टर / उप स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी लिस्ट (1) 0020. डिस्कनेक्शन तथा रिकनेक्शन रजिस्टर (क्र. 15) (1) 0021. आपातकालीन क्रास ऑवर टेस्टिंग रजिस्टर (क्र. 16 ) (1) 0022. रिले रूम चाबी रजिस्टर (क्र. 19 ) (1) 0023. संयुक्त पाइंट एंड क्रासिंग रजिस्टर (क्र. 20) (1) 0024. संयुक्त ट्रैक सर्किट रजिस्टर (क्र. 20 A) (1) 0025. असामान्य संचालन रजिस्टर (क्र. 21 ) (1) 0026. स्टेबल लोड रजिस्टर (क्र. 22 ) (1) 0027. सिक बैगन रजिस्टर (क्र. 26) (1) 0028. क्रेक हैंडल टेस्टिंग रजिस्टर (1) 0029. इंजीनियरिंग एवं पॉवर ब्लाक रजिस्टर (1) 003. व्यक्तिगत परिचय (1) 0030. विभिन्न प्रकार के काउंटर नम्बर रजिस्टर (1) 0031. पैनल ब्लाक होने पर - स्टेशन मास्टर के कर्तव्य (1) 0033. गाड़ी संचालन से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण अधिकार पत्र (1) 0034. स्टेशन परिचालन रजिस्टर के संरक्षण की सामान्य अवधि (1) 0035. घंटी कोड (1) 0037. दोहरी लाइन पर इकहरी लाइन का संचालन (1) 0038. कार्यभार सौपते समय तथा कार्यभार लेते समय ली जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0039. संरक्षा उपस्कर (1) 004. पूनश्र्चर्या पाठ्यक्रम (1) 0041. शंटिंग के दौरान ली जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0042. विभिन्न प्रकार के ब्लाक में लि जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0045. अग्रदाय राशि (1) 0046. सिग्नल पार करने (SPAD) पर स्टेशन मास्टर के कर्तव्य (1) 005. आवधिक चिकित्सा परीक्षा (PME) (1) 0051. बोगी कबर्ड बैगनो की जानकारी (1) 0052. कोचिंग स्टॉक का तकनीकी डाटा (1) 0054. LHB कोच की महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियाँ (1) 0056. स्टेशन पर अनिरक्षित किये जाने वाले अन्य रजिस्टर (लेखा विभाग से संबंधित ) (1) 0058. भरे हुए अधिकार पत्र (1) 006. संरक्षा परामर्श फार्म (1) 008. प्रायवेट नंबर शीट (1) 009. स्टेशन संचालन नियम (1) 01.01 History of Rail Transport in India (1) 01.02.Functions of the Traffic Department (1) 01.03. Hierarchical set up and line of control of Operating Department (1) 01.031 Responsibility of Station Master (supervisory) / Station Manager (1) 01.032 Duty of Deputy Station Manager (Outdoor)(Outdoor) (1) 01.033 Duty of Station Master / Manager - Block Station Master / Manager (1) 01.034 Duty of Panel SM (1) 01.036 Duty of Gate Man (1) 01.037 Normal Period Of Preserved - Station Operating Registers and Records (1) 01.04. CONTROL ORGANISATION (1) 01.05. Basic Function of control (1) 01.06. Duties of Control Staff (1) 01.07. Books / documents and basic records to be kept in control office (1) 01.09. Co- ordination between Control and stations (1) 01.10. Registers generally maintained in control (1) 01.11. Items checked by Sr. DOM daily/ regular intervals periodically & monthly (1) 02.01 ट्रेन कंट्रोल एव गाड़िया संचालन में कंट्रोल के जिम्मदारी (1) 02.02 ट्रैफिक कंट्रोल (1) 02.02. Emergency Rescue Operation / Disaster Management (1) 02.03. PREFERENTIAL TRAFFIC ORDER (1) 02.03.पॉवर कंट्रोल (1) 02.04 वैगनो & इंजन की उपयोगिता (ENGINE UTILIZATION) (1) 02.04. Importance of Freight Operation: (1) 02.05. TRANSPORT PRODUCTS (1) 02.06. FREIGHT INCENTIVE SCHEMES (1) 02.07. Rationalization Order (1) 02.08. Development of rail-side warehouses (1) 02.09.. Wagon Pool (1) 02.10. WAGON CENSUS ON BROAD GAUGE (1) 03 - मास्टर चार्ट (MASTER CHART) (1) 03.01. LOCO LINKS AND POWER PLAN CREW LINKS (1) 03.02. 10-Hour Rule for Train Crew (1) 03.03. LOCO MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (1) 03.05. G D R ( GUARD DRIVER REPORT ) (1) 03.06. NOMINATED INTENSIVE EXAMINATION POINTS ON CENTRAL RAILWAY (1) 03.07. WORKING OF CLAMPED WAGON (1) 03.08. ODC (1) 03.10.1 DETAILS OF BRAKE POWER CERTIFICATE (1) 04 - सुबह की पोजीशन (MORNING POSITION) (1) 04.01. Section Capacity and Throughput (1) 04.08. ROLL ON - ROLL OFF (1) 05 - बगाडी संचालन पर प्रभाव डालने वाले कारक (FATO) (1) 05.01. Systems of Working (1) 05.03. All Communication Failure on Double line (1) 05.04. All Communication Failure on Single line (1) 05.05. TSL working on Double line (1) 05.06. Abnormal Working in Automatic Section (1) 06 - 01.उपनगरीय नियंत्रण (SUBURBAN CONTROL) (1) 06 - 02.एरिया कंट्रोल (1) 06 - 04.सेंट्रल कंट्रोल (1) 06 - 05.Emergency control (1) 06- 03.ट्रेन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम (TRAIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) (1) 06.01. LOCO LINK (1) 06.02. RAKE LINK (1) 06.04. MARSHALLING OF TRAIN (1) 07 - नियंत्रण कार्यालय में विभाग नियंत्रकों के कर्त्तव्य (DUTIES) (1) 07.01. TIME TABLES – INTRODUCTION (1) 07.02. Punctuality (1) 07.03. COACHING VEHICLE CENSUS (1) 07.04. Rules for booking Special Coaches & Special Trains on FTR (1) 07.05. Coaching codes (1) 07.06. ACCIDENT AND SAFETY ORGANISATION (1) 08 - विभिन्न परिस्थियों में खण्ड नियंत्रक (SCOR) द्वारा किये जाने वाले कार्य (1) 09 - सवारी गाडी के कोड (IRCA Rule Book - IV) (1) 10 - संखियकी (STATISTICS) (1) 12 - 01.विशेष प्रकार के माल स्टॉक की मार्शलिंग (1) 12 - 02.माल गाडी का ब्लाक रेक / Standard rake size for Train load (1) 12 - 03.ओ डि सि (ODC) संचालन (1) 12 - यात्री और माल गाडी का ब्लाक रेक (1) 13 - 01.डीविज़न वैगन बैलेंस / (DIVISONAL WAGON BALANCE) (1) 14 - 01.थ्रू -पुट / THROUGH PUT (1) 14 - SECTION CAPACITY) (1) 15 - 01.मालगाड़ी को आदेशित करना (ट्रेन ओर्ड़ेरिंग / TRAIN ORDERING ) (1) 15 - 02.माल गाडी की औसात गति (1) 15 - 03.वैगनो का यानात्रण (Transhipment of Goods) (1) 15 - 07.गाड़ीयो का प्रस्थान पूर्व विलंब (PDD) (1) 15 - मालगाड़ी संचालन (Goods Train Operation) एवं लोड टेबल (1) 15 -06.कन्टेनराईजेशन Container (CONCOR) (1) 16 - 02.समय सारणी (TIME TABLE) (1) 16 - 03.रेक लिंक / (RAKE LINK) (1) 16 - 04.प्लेटफार्म ऑक्यूपेशन चार्ट / (Platform Occupation Chart) (1) 16 - 05.पिट लाइन ऑक्यूपेशन चार्ट (Pit Line Occupation Chart) (1) 16 - 06.विषेश/वी आई पी गाड़ीयो का संचालन (Movement of Special/VIP Trains) (1) 16 - 07.मेला एवं मिलिटरी स्पेशल गाड़ियों का संचालन एवं सावधानियाँ (1) 16 - यात्री गाडी संचालन / Passenger Train Operation (1) 17 - स्टॉक रिपोर्ट / Stock Report (1) 18 - 01.क्रू लिंक (CREW LINK) / लोको लिंक (LOCO LINK) (1) 18 - 02.दस घंटे नियम (10 HOURS RULE) (1) 18 - लॉबी कार्य पध्दति / LOBBY WORKING (1) 19 - 01.इंजन योजना (POWER PLAN) (1) 19 - 02.इंजन की उपयोगीता (ENGINE UTILISATION) (1) 19 - 03.विशिष्ठ उर्जा खपत / SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION (SPC) (1) 19 - विभिन प्रकार के इंजन और उनक हार्स पॉवर तथा गती (1) 2.1 Various Machines for Track Maintenance (1) 20 - 01. रेशनलाइजेशन स्कीम : / Rationalization Scheme (1) 20 - 02.रोक (BAN) & प्रतिबंध (RESTRICTION) (1) 20 - 03.वैगन पंजीकरण (1) 20 - 04.वैगन उपयोगीता चक्र (WTR) (1) 20 - 05.वेगन सेन्सस / WAGON CENSUS (1) 20 - वैगन उपयोगीता / अधिमान्य यातायात आदेश :(PTO/PTS) (1) 20.06.माल परिचालन सूचना प्रणाली (FOIS) एवं अन्य परिचालन सूचना प्रणाली (ICMS CMS COA ETC NTES) (1) 21 - 01.विधुतिकृत सेक्शन में गाड़िया का संचालन (1) 21 - 02.ट्रैफिक वोर्किंग रूल्स (TWR) (1) 21 - 03.टावर वैगन का संचालन (1) 21 - 04.रेल मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत सार्वजानिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रम और अन्य संगठन (PSUs) (1) 21 - समपार (लेवल क्रासिंग ) (1) 22 - 01.सिगनल को खतरे की स्तिथि में पर करना (SPAD) (1) 22 - 02.गंभीर दुर्घटना SERIOUS ACCIDENT (ऍम 105) (1) 22 - 03.दुर्घटना होने पर खंण्ड नियंत्रक के कर्त्तव्य (AM - ३१९) (1) 22 - 04.दुर्घटना स्थल के प्रभारी अधिकारी के कर्तव्य (AM - 324) (1) 22 - 05.मंडल नियंत्रण कार्यालय के प्रभारी अधिकारी के कर्तव्य - (AM - 323) (1) 22 - 06.दुर्घटना होने पर स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी (ऍम 311) (1) 22 - 07.रहत व्यवस्थाओ की ओर्ड़ेरिंग देना (AM - 405) (1) 22 - 11.नॉन - इंटरलॉकिंग संचालन (Non - Interlocked Working) (1) 22 - दुर्घटना (Accident) (ऍम 104) (1) 22.10 सुरक्षा डेविसस (Safety Devices) - ACD EOIT GSMR TAWD VCD WILD (1) 23 - कंट्रोल ओफ्फिक निर्देश (1) 24 - COA Main Menu (1) 25 - अग्रीम प्लाटिंग (चार्टिंग) / Advance Plotting (1) 26 - 01.नियंत्रण कार्यालय अनुप्रयोग हेतु त्वरित दिशा निर्दश (1) 26 - COA एवं FOIS के एकीकरण (Integration) हेतु अवय्शक निर्दाश (1) 27 - पश्चिम मध्य रेल तथा मध्य रेल के सहायक नियमो में विभिन्नता की सूची (1) 28 - निरीक्षण उसके उदेश्य और प्रकार (Inspection Its Objects & Type) (1) 28.01 Schedule Of Inspection By Operating / Safety Officers And Transportation Inspectors (1) 29 - दुर्घटना जाँच (Accident Inquiry) (1) 3.031 DIESEL LOCO SCHEDULE & DURATION (1) 3.09 ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE FEATURES (1) A.01 भारतीय रेल का इतिहास एवं प्रगति (1) A.02. भारतीय रेल का संगठनात्मक ढांचा (1) A.03.परिचालन विभाग का सेटअप (1) A.04. महत्वपूर्ण विभागों के सामान्य कार्य (1) A.05 सामान्य एवं सहायक नियम ब्लाक संचालन नियमावली दुर्घटना नियमावली (1) A.06.परिचालन नियमावली/ संचालन समय सारिणी (1) A.07.स्टेशन संचालन नियम (1) A.08.रेल सेवको पर साधारण लागू होने वाले नियम (1) A.09.महत्वपूर्ण परिभाषाए (1) A.10.सिगनलों का सामान्य परिचय (1) A.11.पटाखा सिगनल (1) A.12.हाथ सिगनल (1) A.13.गाड़ी संचालन पध्दतियाँ (1) A.15.वाहनों को सुरक्षित करना (1) A.17.हॉट एक्सल/फ़्लैट टायर/ओपेन डोर एवं हैंकिंग पार्ट (1) A.18.ट्रेन्स क्लर्क के कर्तव्य (1) A.19.स्टेशनों/यार्ड में रखे जाने वाले रजिस्टर (1) A.20.गाड़ी परिचालन में ट्रेन्स क्लर्क की भूमिका (1) A.21.गाड़ी संचालन से समबंधित महत्वपूर्ण नियम (1) A.22.कंट्रोल संगठन के कार्य (1) A.23.स्टेशन/यार्ड/कंट्रोल आफिस के क्रिया कलाप (1) A.24.विभिन्न प्रकार के कोचिंग एवं गुड्स स्टॉक (1) A.25.ब्रेक पावर प्रमाण पत्र (1) A.26.इंजन एवं ब्रेकयान में एयर प्रेशर की मात्रा (1) A.27.कंटीन्युटी टेस्ट (1) A.28.बड़े आयाम के प्रेषण (1) A.29.सेंसस एवं स्टॉक रिपोर्ट (1) A.30.मालगाड़ी संचालन/ गाडियों को आर्डर करना (1) A.31.डिविजन वैगन संतुलन (1) A.32.इन्टरचेंज (1) A.33.शंटिंग प्रतिबन्ध (1) A.35.वैगन पूल (1) A.36.वैगन उपयोगिता चक्र (1) A.37.परिचालन सांख्यिकी / परिचालन अनुपात (1) A.38.मोर्निंग पोजीशन फैटो (1) A.39.कोचिंग एवं गुड्स गाडियों की मार्शलिंग/घाट मार्शलिंग/रेक मार्शलिंग (1) A.41.जीडीआर चेक/ सेफ टू रन सर्टिफिकेट/ ओवर लोडिंग /अनइव्ह्न लोडिंग (1) A.42.लोड टेबल /एक्सल लोड / बैकिंग इंजन की आवश्यकता (1) A.43.माल गाडियों के विभिन्न प्रकार के ब्रेक पावर प्रमाणपत्र उनकी वैधता (1) A.44.स्थान शुल्क एवं विलंब शुल्क स्केटिंग (1) A.46.लोको आउटेज एवं इंजन उपयोगिता (1) ACF (1) ART - Accident Relief Train (1) AUTHORITIES USING IN TRAIN WORKING (1) AWS (1) B.02.एफओआईएस/आर एस एम /टीएमएस /सीओआईएस/आईसीएमएस/पीएएम (1) B.05.यूटीएस/ पीआरएस UTS/PRS (1) B.06.ट्रेन मेनेजमेंट सिस्टम (1) B.07.एसीडी / टीसीएएस (1) BOOKED SPEED (1) Block working (1) COA (1) Correction Slip (1) DUTIES OF STATION MASTER IN THE CASE OF ACCIDENTS (1) Department (1) Departmental Exam Special (1) Duty (1) Duty List (1) Flat Tyre (1) Freight Train Operation (1) G.01 Code for LHB Coaching Stock (1) G.01 रेल सेवकों पर साधारणतया लागू होने वाले नियम (1) G.02 G & SR - परिभाषाएं (1) G.02 स्टेशन पर अग्निसमन उपकरण (1) G.03 इन्टरलाॅकिंग एवं नाॅन-इन्टरलाॅकिंग. (1) G.04 पाॅइन्ट एवं सिगनल (1) G.05 विभिन्न प्रकार की लाइटें एवं रिपीटर (1) G.06 संचालन मे आनेवाले विभिन्न प्रकार के बोर्डं (1) G.07 इंजीनियरिंग सिगनल एवं कार्यस्थल का बचाव (1) G.08 सिगनल तथा पाॅइन्ट की खराबी (1) G.09 सिगनल खराब होने पर गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.10 कार्य संचालन पद्धति (1) G.11केवल एक गाड़ी पद्धति (1) G.12 सम्पूर्ण ब्लाॅक पद्धति (1) G.13 गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.14 स्टेशनों पर बजाई जाने वाली घंटीया (1) G.15 आटोमेटिक ब्लाॅक पद्धति (1) G.16 अनुगामी गाड़ी पद्धति (1) G.17 सतर्कता आदेश (1) G.18 अवरुद्ध लाइन/ बिना सिगनल वाली लाइन व काॅमन स्टार्टर पर गाड़ी का संचालन (1) G.19 शन्टिंग (1) G.21 मार्शलिंग एवं डेड इंजन का संचालन (1) G.21 गाड़ी को स्टेशन से रवाना करना (1) G.23 समयपालन (1) G.24 लोको पायलट व गार्ड के निजी उपकरण (1) G.25 गार्ड व लोको पायलट से संबंधित रजिस्टर व प्रपत्र (1) G.26 रनिंग लाइन पर लोड को स्टेबल व क्लीयर करना (1) G.28 लोको पायलट व गार्ड की ड्यूटी (1) G.29 विभिन परिस्थितियों में लोको पायलट की ड्यूटी (1) G.30 मेटेरियल ट्रेन का संचालन (1) G.31 विभिन्न परिस्थितियों मे स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी (1) G.32 गाड़ियों की गति (1) G.33 कैच एवं स्लिप साइडिंग (1) G.33 स्टेशनों पर विभिन्न उपकरण (1) G.34 लाॅक एवं ब्लाॅक उपकरण (1) G.35 असामान्य परिस्थितियों में गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.36 इंजन सीटी कोड (1) G.37 ई एम यू / एम ई एम यू / डी एम यू में संके तहेतु बेल कोड (1) G.37 नए परिचालन फाॅर्म (1) G.38 इंजीनियरिंग कार्य प्रणाली व इंजीनियरिंग वाहनों का संचाल (1) G.38 पावर ब्लाॅक (1) G.39 पाइथाॅन रैक का संचालन (1) G.40 गाड़ी लिपिक के रजिस्टर व कार्यप्रणाली (1) Golden Hour (1) Group "B" (1) HKT (1) Hotter Code (1) KNOW ABOUT - जन शिकायत पुस्तिका (1) LED Torch (1) Lobby system (1) Loco Pilot Duty (1) MPS (1) MRV-Medical Relief Van (1) Medical Care (1) Mock Drill (1) NDMA (1) Pad Lock (1) Private Number (1) Question Bank & Papers With Answer For Group "B" / Guard / Station Master etc Exam (1) Rule. Manual (1) S 01.0 Significance Of Rule Books (1) S 01.01 Differences Between General And Subsidiary Rules (1) S 02.00 Rules And Instructions (1) S 03.00 Rules Applying To The Railway Servant Generally (1) S 04.00 Definition Of Operating Terms (1) S 05.00 Classification Of Station (1) S 06.00 Signals (1) S 07.00 DETONATING SIGNAL (1) S 08.00 Hand Signal (1) S 09.00 Traffic Board And Engineering Indicators (1) S 11.00 CONDITIONS FOR TAKING OFF SIGNALS (1) S 12.00 CONDITIONS FOR CLEARING THE SECTION AND PRECAUTIONS (1) S 13.00 AUTHORITIES USING IN TRAIN WORKING (1) S 14.00 INTERLOCKING AND ISOLATION (1) S 15.00 POINTS (1) S 16.00 WORKING OF TRAINS DURING OVERHAULING (1) S 17.00 DEFECTIVE POINTS (1) S 19 DEFECTIVE SIGNALS (1) S 20.00 Reception Dispatch And Crossing Of Train At Station (1) S 21.00 SHUNTING (1) S 22.00 PUSHING BACK OF TRAIN (1) S 23.00 SECURING VEHICLES AT STATION (1) S 24.00 VEHICLES ESCAPING FROM STATION (1) S 25.00 WORKING OF MATERIAL TRAIN (1) S 25.01 Procedure of sending material train into the Block Section (1) S 25.02 STABLING OF MATERIAL TRAIN (1) S 26.00 HOT AXLE AND FLAT TYRE (1) S 27.00 WORKING OF TRAIN WITHOUT BRAKE VAN (1) S 28.00 STANDARD TIME (1) S 29.00 SPEED CHART (1) S 30.00 ELECTRIC BLOCK INSTRUMENT (1) S 31.00 TAIL LAMP AND TAIL BOARD (1) S 36.00 TRAIN PARTING (1) S 37.00 TRAIN DIVIDING (1) S 38.00 SEND ASSISTING ENGINE INTO OBSTRUCTED BLOCK SECTION (1) S 39.00 TRAIN DELAYED IN BLOCK SECTION (1) S 40.00 ACCIDENT (1) S 42.00 YARD (1) S 43.00 DUTIES OF STATION STAFF TOWARDS CONTROL (1) S 44.00 WAGON EXCHANGE REGISTER (1) S 45.00 STOCK REPORT (1) S 46.00 WORKING OF TRAIN IN GHAT SECTION / CATCH AND SLIP SIDING (1) S 47.00 MEANS OF COMMUNICATION AND WHISTLE CODE (1) S 48.00 ACTION TAKEN DURING THE ACP (1) S 49.00 WORKING OF TRAIN DURING STORM / ANEMOMETER CYCLONE (1) S 50.00 FIRE IN TRAIN (1) S 51.00 INFORMATION SYSTEM / COA/ FOIS/ ICMS/ PRS etc (1) S 52.00 ACD (1) S 53.00 LOCOMOTIVE LIGHT (1) S 54.00 WORKING OF TRAIN IN ELECTRIFIED SECTION AND TOWER WAGON (1) S 55.00 LEVEL CROSSING GATE (1) S 56.00 OVER DIMENSIONAL CONSIGNMENT (O.D.C. ) (1) S 57.00 MARSHALLING (1) S 58.00 WORKING OF TROLLY/LORRY (1) S 59.00 TYPES OF TRACK MACHINE (1) S 60.00 MANSOON PATROLLING (1) S 61.00 DEFECTIVE PARMANENT WAY (1) S 62.00 WORKING OF LONG HAUL TRAINS (PYTHON) ON CENTRAL RAILWAY (1) S 63.00 HEAVY HAUL TRAINS (1) S 64.00 ABBREVIATION (1) S 65.00 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUBSIDIARY RULES OF CR AND WCR (1) SH (1) SPEED ON TURNOUTS (1) Safety Chain (1) Scotch Block (1) Skid (1) Station Earning (1) Station Inspection (1) TBC Guide (1) Train Manager (Guard) (1) VTO (1) Vehicle Guidance (1) Video (1) WORKING OF TRACK MACHINE (TTM etc.) (1) Yard Congestion (1) fois (1) k (1) long Haul (1) योजना बनाने में स्टेशन मास्टर की भूमिका (1) सिगनलों का आदान प्रदान (1) स्टेशन मास्टर अवश्य ध्यान दे (1)