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Disabled engine, assistance to- in the Block Section (SR-6.05-2)

1. When an engine is disabled in the block section, the Guard shall ascertain from the Loco Pilot, if it is necessary to requisite a relief engine. Should the Loco Pilot except to be able to put the engine in working order within 30 minutes, he shall inform the Guard. 

2. If the time is likely to be exceeded, the Guard must send advice to the nearest station in accordance with SR 6.05-1 and call for relief engine.

3. After having asked for assisting engine, if subsequently the Loco Pilot is able to repair the damage and is in a position to restart the train, the Loco Pilot of goods train will ask permission of the section controller/SM. 

4. The section controller/SM assisting engine has not entered in the block section, will regulate the assisting engine and will advice the Loco Pilot of goods train to start his train supported by Train notice/ private No. 

5. The Loco Pilot of the goods train shall not restart his train unless he receive Train Notice /Private No. from section controller /SM. On receiving the train Notice/Private No. the Loco Pilot will work his train cautiously up to next block station if the Engine is likely to fail to reach the destination, the Loco Pilot must at once ask for relief engine. 

6. In case of passenger carrying train, once the assisting is called for, even if the engine is put to work the Loco Pilot shall not restart his train until the assisting engine arrives. The train must not be divided rather it must be detained with the engine coupled to the train. 

Duty of SM: (as per BWM-4.12)

 If it is necessary to send an assisting train in to obstructed block section to assist a disabled train, the SM will take following Actions

a) Inform the SM of the other end of the section on telephone. The section controller shall be informed. 

b) Advise the Guard and Loco Pilot of the assisting train of the circumstance. 

c) Prepare and hand over the prescribed authorities to the Loco Pilot of the assisting train. T/A602 (authority to proceed for Relief Engine/train into an occupied block section) which contains. 

i) Authority to proceed without line clear. 

ii) Authority to pass the signal/signals at ON or T/511 to start train from non-signaled line.

iii) Caution order 15/10 kmph. 

2) The Loco Pilot of assisting train shall be informed about the kilometers of obstruction and the station where the train is to be cleared. 

3) When the assisting Engine/Train enters the block section in single line or in right direction on double line the SM send “the train has entered in the block section” bell code (3 beats) to the SM in advance.

4) If the train enters into the block section in a wrong direction on double line, the SM at other end shall be informed of the time of departure of the assisting engine over telephone. Three beats shall not be given. 

5) The section controller shall also be informed about the time of departure of Assisting Engine/ Train. 

6) The SM’s of both end shall enter the time of departure of the. Assisting engine/train in the Train signal Register.(TSR) 

7) When the assisting train and the disabled train arrives at the station, the Guard of both the trains will sign in the TSR or in T/1410 (Train Intact Arrival Register), certifying the complete arrival of their train. After the confirmation from the Guard, SM shall clear the section as follows

a) If Train with Assisting Train/Engine arrives next station in right direction, the SM will send “Train out of Block Section “ (four beats) to the SM in rear. 

b) If the train with Assisting Engine and Disabled Train returns to the same station from where the assisting Engine/Train was dispatched, the SM shall send “Cancel last signal” (5 beats) to the SM in rear. 

8) The first train to enter the section from either end of block section must be brought to a stand and the SM shall instruct the Loco Pilot to proceed cautiously through the section by issuing Caution Order.
Information/News/Video provided in this Platform has been collected from different sources. We Believe that “Knowledge Is Power” and our aim is to create general awareness among people and make them powerful through easily accessible Information. NOTE: We do not take any responsibility of authenticity of Information/News/Videos.
