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  • Point means movable tapered pieces of rail by the operation of which either of the two routes may be set. They are of the following types
            1. Hand points 
            2. Spring points 
            3. Points operated by lever frame. 
  • Each piece is usually known as tongue rail and the tongue has a Toe (thin end) which fits against the stock rail. The other end is known as Heel. 
  • Points may be facing or trailing according to the direction of train or vehicle moves over them. 
Some terminology of points (as per structure/operation):-

Couple points:-when two or more points are worked simultaneously by the same lever, they are called couple points. 

Cross over points:- Cross- over is a road which connects two roads. It consists of two turnouts and a length of ordinary road between them. 

Diamond Crossing :-when one track crosses another at an angle less that a right angle, a diamond comprised of two acute and two obtuse crossing. 

Scissors Crossing:- these consists of two crossovers usually between adjacent parallel tracks which crosses each other and form a diamond between the tracks. 

Distinguish between Facing and Trailing points:-

Operation of points
  • By ground lever- Tumbler lever & Spring-loaded lever. 
  • Pulling lever from Lever frame (by Cabinman). 
  • Winding/ pressing switch/ knob from the panel (by SM) 
  • Operating mouse in computer (by SM in SSI).

Some instructions regarding points:-
  • All points shall normally be set for straight line except when otherwise mentioned in the SWR. 
  • Points shall not be moved/ reversed when the leading wheels of an engine or other vehicles are so near that point. 
  • The points shall not be moved until the engine and all vehicles have passed completely clear. 
  • The SM/ASM should aware that the point is correctly set in favour of the train/engine before any movement over them. 
Necessity of locking the points 
  • To ensure safety 
  • To prevent un-authorised operations of points 
  • To prevent the points to change it position during any movement of trains/vehicles/engines on it.

 Locking of Points

  • Non-interlocked Non-key locked Points-
         i) Clamp and Padlock 
        ii) Through-bolt and Padlock 

  • Non-interlocked Key-locked Points- 
           i) Single Hand Plunger Key lock 
           ii) Double Hand Plunger Key loc 
           iii) Triple Hand Plunger Key lock 
           iv) One way lock 
           v) Double point lock 

  • Interlocked Points- Facing point lock by
         i) Hand Plunger lock 
         ii) Track Circuit lock 
         iii) Key lock 
         iv) Points machine

 Clamp and Padlock:- 
  • Ensure that clamps are in good working order. 
  • Clamps are fitted within 9 to 12 inches from the pointed end of the switch rail. 
  • Clamps are fully tightened before applying the padlock. 

Through-bolt and Padlock 
  • Ensure that the through-bolt and the locking pins are in good working order. 
  • When locking pins are passed through the bolt, they should be tight so that the points may not spread by pressure.

 Single Hand Plunger Key Lock (SHPKL)
  • The lock is fitted with a plunger. 
  • The key releases the plunger and the plunger releases the points. 
  • The key can be taken out when the points are set for straight line (normal setting) and plunger is pushed. 
  • When the points are reversed the key cannot be taken out and before allowing facing movement the points should be clamped and padlocked. 
  • A detailed instruction for operation is embodied in SWR.

Double Hand Plunger Key Lock (DHPKL)
  • The lock is fitted with a plunger having three notches.
  • The key releases the plunger and the plunger releases the points.
  • Relevant key can be taken out after locking the points by the operation of plunger in either position of the points.
  • Only one key can be taken out of the lock at one and the same time.
  • Points become free when both the keys are applied in the lock and can be moved either way.
  • A detailed instruction for operation is embodied in SWR. 

Tripple Hand Plunger Key Lock (THPKL)
  • The lock is fitted with a plunger having pull and push movement, but the points normally remain free.
  • To lock the points in normal position, the control key should be applied; plunger pulled/ pushed and key controlling the Home signal can be released.
  • Disengager (Detacher) is fitted at the foot of the Home signal for controlling the Outer signal to be operated by the Pointsman.
  • A detailed instruction for operation is embodied in SWR.

One way lock
  • The lock is fitted without plunger.
  • The key releases the points.
  • The points remain set and locked in their normal position when the key is out of the lock.
  • When the key is inserted and turned, the points become free to be moved either way.
  • The points in the reversed position should be clamped and padlocked before allowing facing movement. A detailed instruction for operation is embodied in SWR.
Double points lock
The lock is fitted without plunger.
The key releases the points.
The points fitted with double locks remains locked in one or the other position when one of the key is out of the lock. 
Only one key can be taken out of the lock at one and the same time.
Points become free when both the keys are applied in the lock and can be moved either way.
A detailed instruction for operation is embodied in SWR. 

Facing points lock
It is plunger bolt provided at the facing points.
Ensures that the points are correctly set and locked and to prevent them from being altered.

Holding bar
  • An iron bar of about 42 ft length. 
  • It is provided when there is gap of exceeding 180 meters between an interlocked points and signal or between two consecutive interlocked points. 
  • Prevents the lock bar/ facing point lock being moved while a vehicle is passing or standing over it. 
  • The length of lock bar shall exceed the greatest distance between any two adjacent axles of any vehicle likely to be used on the line.
 Lock bar 
  • An iron bar (about 42 ft long) connected with the facing points lock. 
  • Prevents the facing point lock being moved while a vehicle is passing or standing over it.
  • The length of lock bar shall exceed the greatest distance between any two adjacent axles of any vehicle likely to be used on the line. 
Fouling bar 
  • An iron bar of about 42 ft length. 
  • The length of lock bar shall exceed the greatest distance between any two adjacent axles of any vehicle likely to be used on the line. 
  • Provided at the fouling point between two diverging roads. 
  • Prevents the signal from being taken off for one road while a train is standing short of the clearance of the other. 
  • An appliance provided at the facing points. 
  • Ensures the points being correctly set before the relevant signal can be taken off. 
  • Prevents the points being moved until the relative signal has been put back to ON. 
  • Detectors are of two types – mechanical detector and electrical detector.


An appliance provided to compensate for the difference in length of rodding and wires due to variation in temperature. 

Wire adjuster 
An appliance provided to adjust the length of wires due to variation in temperature. 


EFPL stand for Economical facing points Lock. When the points, Point’s lock and lock bar are worked with one lever, the arrangement is known as Economical Facing Points Lock. In diagram it is shown by a second bracket..

Permanently locked points 
  • Certain points at non-interlocked stations, normally kept permanently locked except where these are required to be reversed for allowing particular movements, are called Permanently Locked Points (PLP). 
  • Divided into two classes- Class ‘A’ and class ‘B’.
  • Class ‘A’ PLP is taken off from running line; all other PLPs are Class ‘B’ points. 
  • SM is responsible for correct setting and locking of Class ‘A’ PLP. 
  • Pointsman deputed by SM is responsible for correct setting and locking of the Class ‘B’ PLP. 


The SM shall not give permission to take signals OFF for a train until- 
  • All facing points over which the train will pass are correctly set and locked 
  • All trailing points over which the train will pass are correctly set 
  • The line over which the train is to pass is clear and free from obstruction. 


Facing points, when neither interlocked nor key locked, shall be locked for the passage of a train either by clamp, or by a through bolt, with pad lock. It is not sufficient to lock the lever operating the point. 

SR 3.39-1
  • The SM must set the lock of all facing points and set trailing points or ensure the correct setting and locking of the points, as the case may be, for the reception and dispatch of all train carrying passengers (including material train) except at modified non-interlocked station where this responsibility would devolve on the point locker (A grade pointsman). 
  • For goods train, the point locker or in his absence the senior Pointsman shall be responsible for correct setting and locking of points in accordance with the instructions of the SM. 
  • The change of duty shall not take place, when “Lie Clear” has been obtained or granted for a train. The SM, who has so obtained or granted the Line Clear, shall be responsible for correct setting and locking of the points and taking OFF the signals. 
  • When two trains cross or one precedes another and the first train happens to be a passenger train, the responsibility for the setting and locking of points will be of the SM, but the SM need not proceed to the facing points for the second train, even if it is a passenger train, and the Guard of the first waiting train will be responsible for verifying that the facing points for all subsequent trains are correctly set and locked.

SR 3.39-2 Meaning of non-interlocked facing points-
  • The outer most facing points, except the points which are key locked must be manned in addition to there being clamped and pad locked. The responsibility of ensuring the manning of outermost facing points will devolve on the person who is responsible for setting and locking and points.
  • During shunting operation the shunting master or shunting jamadar will be responsible for seeing that hand points, which are not fitted with spring levers or otherwise not locked for the movement, are manned. SR 3.51-1 Disconnection of points and signals- 
  • Before taking in hand any disconnections of points, signals or interlocking gears, the person in-charge of the work (S & T Dept.) must advise the SM in writing on T/351 form before the work is started and after it is completed. 
  • When disconnection is made at the request of SM on duty to save delays to traffic, the SM must endorse the counter foil of the form T/351 with the remark “disconnection is made at my request”
  • Where cabins are under the control of the SM, he must advise the cabin staffs giving the particulars of the points which are disconnected under exchange of private number. 
  • Whenever the disconnection memo has been received, it is the personal responsibility of the SM or cabin Asst. SM to ensure that such points are set and locked and secured by means of clamp and padlocks before authorizing the movement of any trains over such points. 
  • If the disconnection of points is made at one end of the cross-over, the points at both the ends of the cross-over should be treated as having been disconnected and both ends will be set and clamped before any movement. If work is not being done at the other end, this end shall also be treated as noninterlocked, and also clamped and pad locked and trains passed on signals but with a speed restriction of 15KMPH as in the case of overhauling of lever frames subjected to a written authority of S & T staff that “No work is being done at the end of the cross-over and the trains can be passed over the points at speed restrictions of 15 KMPH on signals” 
  • After completion of the work, the S & T staff will hand over the reconnection memo to the SM. And the same will be informed to the cabin man at both end with the exchange of private number.
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