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DEFINITION:- for the purpose of railway working, accident is an occurrence in the course of working of railway which does or may affect the safety of the railway, its engine, rolling stock, permanent way and works, fixed installations, passengers or servant which affect the safety of others or which does or may cause delay to train or loss to the railway property. For statistical purpose accident has been classified in categories from A to R excluding I and O.


(AM 117-124) Accidents are classified under following heads

1. Train accidents 
2. Yard accidents 
3. Indicative accidents 
4. Equipment failures 
5. Unusual incidents.

1. Train accidents – AM 118 train accidents is an accident that involve a train. Train accidents are further divided as

a. Consequential train accidents – include train accidents having serious repercussion in terms of either one or many or all the following- 
  • Loss of human life 
  • Human injury 
  • Loss of railway property 
  • Interruption of rail traffic. 
  • Train accident under following classification will be termed as consequential train accident. 

Collision – all cases under category A1 to A4 
Fire – all cases under category B1 to B4 
Level crossing – all case under category C1 to C4 
Derailment – all case under category D1 to D4 
Miscellaneous – all cases under category E1 

b. Other train Accidents:- All accidents which are not covered under the definition of consequential train accident are to be treated as other train accident. 

2. Yard Accidents :- All accidents that take place in a yard and does not involve a train are termed as yard accident. These include accidents falling under category A-5, B-7, C-9 and D6. 

3. Indicative Accident – In real term they are not accidents but are serious potential hazards and include all cases of 

I. Averted collision (classification-F) 

II. Breach of block rule coming under (classification-G). 

III. Train passing signal at danger (classification-H)

a) Averted Collision:- An averted collision is a circumstance under which but for the vigilance shown by any person or persons, a collision could have occurred, either in the block section or within the station limits between two trains or between a train and an obstruction. Provided further that such an occurrence may be treated as an ‘Averted Accident’. 


 I. If, outside the station limits the distance between the two trains or the train and the obstruction at the time the train or trains have finally come to a stop, is 400 meters or more. 

II. If, within the station limits, there is an intervening stop signals at danger governing the moving train, and compliance by the moving train with the indication conveyed by the stop signals averted the collision between the trains or between the train and the obstruction. 

b) Breach of Block Rules:- The following situations constitutes breach of rules’ 

I. When a trains enters a block section without any authority to proceed. 

II. When the train enters a block section with an improper authority to proceed. 

III. When a train is received on a blocked line not constituting an adverted collision. 

IV. When train enters or is received on a wrong line at a station or a catch /slip siding or sand hump. 

c) Signal Passed at Danger – Passenger train passed signal at danger without proper authority (H-1) and other train passed signal at danger without proper authority(H-2). Reasons for signal passed at danger (SPAD) by LP 

I. In sufficient brake power in the train. 
II. Disobey of signals by the Loco Pilot. 
III. Not taking sufficient rest at running room or at home.
IV. Train become over speed. 
V. Loco pilot becoming over- confident. 
VI. Over time duty /working hours 
VII. Brake not applying at right time. 
VIII. Signal not seen from minimum sighting distance. 
IX. High intensity lights near signals. 
X. Fault in the engine. 

4. Equipment failure:- failure of railway equipments i.e. Engine, rolling stock, permanent way, OHE, signal and telecommunication (J, K, L, M) 

5. Unusual incident – These include cases related to law and order but not resulting in train accidents and other incidents under classification N, P, Q & R. 


All accident falling under the purview of section 113 of railway act 1989 are termed as reportable train accident and include following. 

I. Any accident attended with loss of human life, or with grievous hurt. 
II. Any collision between trains of which one is a train carrying passenger or 
III. The derailment of any train carrying passenger, or of any part of such train, or
IV. Accident which are attended with loss of human life in passenger trains involving train wrecking or attempted train wrecking, cases of running over obstructions placed on the line, of passengers falling out of train or of fires in trains or grievous hurt as defined in the Indian Penal Code, or serious damage of railway property of the value exceeding rupees 25Lakhs which have not actually occur which by the nature of the accident might reasonably have been expected to occur and also caused interruption of any important through line of communications for at least 24 hours. 

Means to report of an accident- AM 201 

Every railway servant shall report with least possible delay every ‘Accident’ or ‘Unusual occurrence’ in the course of working the railway which may come to his notice, to the nearest station master or section in charge through the following any possible means


2. Gate telephone 

3. By stopping train /Loco/Trolley or other vehicle passing on adjacent line. 

4. BSNL/MTNL telephone 

5. By sending message through a railway servant to the nearest SM. 

6. Sending the light engine of the train before detaching the engine, SR- 6.09-1 should be followed however in case of suspected sabotage, engine etc should not be disturbed or 

7. By road transport if available. 

Threshold value:- 

For the purpose of reporting of accident threshold value is the value beyond which the accident will be treated as having serious repercussion on the basis of loss to railway property or interruption to communication. It shall be constitute two portions. 

I. Threshold value of railway property loss which is fixed at 2 Crores. 

II. Threshold value of interruption of communication either partial or total where duration of interruption to communication is equal to or more than number of hours specified against each cell.


Accident to a train carrying passenger which is attended with

I. Loss of life or 
II. With grievous hurt (as per section 320 of IPC) to a passenger in the train, or 
III. With serious damage to railway property of the value exceeding Rs-2crore and 
IV. Any other accident which in the opinion of the chief commissioner of railway safety or CRS requires the holding of an enquiry by the CRS shall also deemed to be a serious accident. 

However the following shall be excluded –

a) Cases of trespassers run over and injured or killed through their own carelessness or of passengers injured or killed through their own carelessness, and 

b) Cases involving persons being railway servant or holding valid passes/ticket or otherwise who are killed or grievously injured while traveling outside the rolling stock of a passenger train such as on foot board or roof or buffer but excluding the inside of vestibule between coaches, or run over to a level crossing or elsewhere on the railway track by a train, and 

c) Level crossing accident where no passenger or railway servant is killed or grievously hurt unless the Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety or Commissioner of Railway Safety is of the opinion that the accident requires the holding of an inquiry by the Commissioner of Railway Safety. 


1. Emasculation 

2. Permanent privation of either eye.

3. Permanent privation of the hearing of either ear 

4. Privation of any member (organ or limb) or joint. 

5. Destruction or permanent impairing of the power of any member (organ or limb) or joint. 

6. Permanent disfiguration of the head or face. 

7. Fracture or dislocation of bone or tooth. 

8. Any hurt which endangers life or which causes the sufferer to be during the space of twenty days in severe bodily pain, or unable to follow his ordinary pursuits. 

9. General Hurt – The injury (hurt) is considered to be ‘General’ if the person resume his day to day work after 48 hours of the injury due to accident.


 Station master, he shall immediately:- 

1. Ensure that no other train enters the affected section. On double line, he must lock the commutator of the block instrument controlling the affected section in “Train on line position”. 

2. Advise the controller of the accident, indicating the nature of medical and other assistance required. If the section is not controlled of if the control phone is out of order the DOM or the CHC must be advised on the public phone or by other means available. The SM of adjacent station and other major station should also be advised accordingly. 

3. Take action to protect and safeguard railway and public property. 

4. Collect medical aid, if required, locally from the nearest hospitals, dispensaries and doctors. In order to convey medical help to the site of the accident, trolleys may be sent out and train engines utilized or outside conveyance requisitioned, if necessary. In this connection he must requisition help from the local police and magistrate. 

5. Report the accident to all concerned as prescribed in rules. 

6. Call all the off-duty staff and allot them specific duties for relief and rescue operation.

 7. Arrange to provide all sorts of assistance to the affected passenger such as catering, drinking water, issue of complimentary passes, free messages to relatives etc. 

8. Open information counters and booths for giving information to the public regarding names of the injured/dead passengers and regulation /diversion of trains etc. STD booths located at stations/adjacent areas should be utilized for giving relevant information. 

9. Arrange for whatever assistance is required in connection with clearing arrangements. Transshipment etc and provide lights, refreshments, and manual help and many other requirements which can be procured within his resources. 

10. Arrange for the section to be cleared of unaffected vehicles as early as possible but if the accident is attributed to sabotage or suspected sabotage he shall not do so, but wait for instructions from the officer in charge at site. 

11. Remain on duty taking orders from the control and the officer in charge of break down operations till the accidents is cleared or he is replaced by a competent person. 

 Duties of station master of adjacent station (AM-312):- 

 On getting information of accident, the SM of the adjacent station shall ensue that no other train enters the affected section and take other necessary mean source for protection of the site and perform all other duties as given in above Para 311.  
Information/News/Video provided in this Platform has been collected from different sources. We Believe that “Knowledge Is Power” and our aim is to create general awareness among people and make them powerful through easily accessible Information. NOTE: We do not take any responsibility of authenticity of Information/News/Videos.



TRAFFIC (41) Control Organisation (6) Duty of Operating Staff (6) INDEX (6) Specification (5) Disaster Management (4) Abnormal Working (3) CAUTION ORDER / SPEED RESTRICTIONS (3) Question Bank (3) Railway (3) TNC (3) 01.035 Duty of Points Man/Shunt Man (2) 04.03. OPERATING STATISTICS (2) Accident (2) Accident Drill (2) Automatic Signal (2) Break Binding (2) Crank Handle (2) FREIGHT OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM (FOIS) (2) Operating (2) Question with Answer (2) Safety Device (2) tnc. (2) 001. प्रस्तावना (1) 0010. स्टेशन संचालन नियम की अभिस्वीकृति रजिस्टर (क्र. 1 ) (1) 0011. कर्मचारी वैयक्तिक विवरण रजिस्टर (क्र. 2 ) (1) 0012. कर्मचारी परामर्श रजिस्टर (क्र. 3 ) (1) 0013. निरिक्षण रजिस्टर (क्र. 5 ) (1) 0014. एस एंड टी खराबी रजिस्टर (क्र. 7 ) (1) 0015. सतर्कता आदेश रजिस्टर (क्र. 8) (1) 0016. एस एंड टी खराबी मेमो बुक (क्र. 9 ) (1) 0017. दुर्घटना रजिस्टर (क्र. 11 ) (1) 0018. सतर्कता आदेश मैसेज बुक (क्र. 13) (1) 0019. संरक्षा तथा रजिस्टर (क्र. 14) (1) 002. स्टेशन मास्टर / उप स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी लिस्ट (1) 0020. डिस्कनेक्शन तथा रिकनेक्शन रजिस्टर (क्र. 15) (1) 0021. आपातकालीन क्रास ऑवर टेस्टिंग रजिस्टर (क्र. 16 ) (1) 0022. रिले रूम चाबी रजिस्टर (क्र. 19 ) (1) 0023. संयुक्त पाइंट एंड क्रासिंग रजिस्टर (क्र. 20) (1) 0024. संयुक्त ट्रैक सर्किट रजिस्टर (क्र. 20 A) (1) 0025. असामान्य संचालन रजिस्टर (क्र. 21 ) (1) 0026. स्टेबल लोड रजिस्टर (क्र. 22 ) (1) 0027. सिक बैगन रजिस्टर (क्र. 26) (1) 0028. क्रेक हैंडल टेस्टिंग रजिस्टर (1) 0029. इंजीनियरिंग एवं पॉवर ब्लाक रजिस्टर (1) 003. व्यक्तिगत परिचय (1) 0030. विभिन्न प्रकार के काउंटर नम्बर रजिस्टर (1) 0031. पैनल ब्लाक होने पर - स्टेशन मास्टर के कर्तव्य (1) 0033. गाड़ी संचालन से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण अधिकार पत्र (1) 0034. स्टेशन परिचालन रजिस्टर के संरक्षण की सामान्य अवधि (1) 0035. घंटी कोड (1) 0037. दोहरी लाइन पर इकहरी लाइन का संचालन (1) 0038. कार्यभार सौपते समय तथा कार्यभार लेते समय ली जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0039. संरक्षा उपस्कर (1) 004. पूनश्र्चर्या पाठ्यक्रम (1) 0041. शंटिंग के दौरान ली जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0042. विभिन्न प्रकार के ब्लाक में लि जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0045. अग्रदाय राशि (1) 0046. सिग्नल पार करने (SPAD) पर स्टेशन मास्टर के कर्तव्य (1) 005. आवधिक चिकित्सा परीक्षा (PME) (1) 0051. बोगी कबर्ड बैगनो की जानकारी (1) 0052. कोचिंग स्टॉक का तकनीकी डाटा (1) 0054. LHB कोच की महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियाँ (1) 0056. स्टेशन पर अनिरक्षित किये जाने वाले अन्य रजिस्टर (लेखा विभाग से संबंधित ) (1) 0058. भरे हुए अधिकार पत्र (1) 006. संरक्षा परामर्श फार्म (1) 008. प्रायवेट नंबर शीट (1) 009. स्टेशन संचालन नियम (1) 01.01 History of Rail Transport in India (1) 01.02.Functions of the Traffic Department (1) 01.03. Hierarchical set up and line of control of Operating Department (1) 01.031 Responsibility of Station Master (supervisory) / Station Manager (1) 01.032 Duty of Deputy Station Manager (Outdoor)(Outdoor) (1) 01.033 Duty of Station Master / Manager - Block Station Master / Manager (1) 01.034 Duty of Panel SM (1) 01.036 Duty of Gate Man (1) 01.037 Normal Period Of Preserved - Station Operating Registers and Records (1) 01.04. CONTROL ORGANISATION (1) 01.05. Basic Function of control (1) 01.06. Duties of Control Staff (1) 01.07. Books / documents and basic records to be kept in control office (1) 01.09. Co- ordination between Control and stations (1) 01.10. Registers generally maintained in control (1) 01.11. Items checked by Sr. DOM daily/ regular intervals periodically & monthly (1) 02.01 ट्रेन कंट्रोल एव गाड़िया संचालन में कंट्रोल के जिम्मदारी (1) 02.02 ट्रैफिक कंट्रोल (1) 02.02. Emergency Rescue Operation / Disaster Management (1) 02.03. PREFERENTIAL TRAFFIC ORDER (1) 02.03.पॉवर कंट्रोल (1) 02.04 वैगनो & इंजन की उपयोगिता (ENGINE UTILIZATION) (1) 02.04. Importance of Freight Operation: (1) 02.05. TRANSPORT PRODUCTS (1) 02.06. FREIGHT INCENTIVE SCHEMES (1) 02.07. Rationalization Order (1) 02.08. Development of rail-side warehouses (1) 02.09.. Wagon Pool (1) 02.10. WAGON CENSUS ON BROAD GAUGE (1) 03 - मास्टर चार्ट (MASTER CHART) (1) 03.01. LOCO LINKS AND POWER PLAN CREW LINKS (1) 03.02. 10-Hour Rule for Train Crew (1) 03.03. LOCO MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (1) 03.05. G D R ( GUARD DRIVER REPORT ) (1) 03.06. NOMINATED INTENSIVE EXAMINATION POINTS ON CENTRAL RAILWAY (1) 03.07. WORKING OF CLAMPED WAGON (1) 03.08. ODC (1) 03.10.1 DETAILS OF BRAKE POWER CERTIFICATE (1) 04 - सुबह की पोजीशन (MORNING POSITION) (1) 04.01. Section Capacity and Throughput (1) 04.08. ROLL ON - ROLL OFF (1) 05 - बगाडी संचालन पर प्रभाव डालने वाले कारक (FATO) (1) 05.01. Systems of Working (1) 05.03. All Communication Failure on Double line (1) 05.04. All Communication Failure on Single line (1) 05.05. TSL working on Double line (1) 05.06. Abnormal Working in Automatic Section (1) 06 - 01.उपनगरीय नियंत्रण (SUBURBAN CONTROL) (1) 06 - 02.एरिया कंट्रोल (1) 06 - 04.सेंट्रल कंट्रोल (1) 06 - 05.Emergency control (1) 06- 03.ट्रेन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम (TRAIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) (1) 06.01. LOCO LINK (1) 06.02. RAKE LINK (1) 06.04. MARSHALLING OF TRAIN (1) 07 - नियंत्रण कार्यालय में विभाग नियंत्रकों के कर्त्तव्य (DUTIES) (1) 07.01. TIME TABLES – INTRODUCTION (1) 07.02. Punctuality (1) 07.03. COACHING VEHICLE CENSUS (1) 07.04. Rules for booking Special Coaches & Special Trains on FTR (1) 07.05. Coaching codes (1) 07.06. ACCIDENT AND SAFETY ORGANISATION (1) 08 - विभिन्न परिस्थियों में खण्ड नियंत्रक (SCOR) द्वारा किये जाने वाले कार्य (1) 09 - सवारी गाडी के कोड (IRCA Rule Book - IV) (1) 10 - संखियकी (STATISTICS) (1) 12 - 01.विशेष प्रकार के माल स्टॉक की मार्शलिंग (1) 12 - 02.माल गाडी का ब्लाक रेक / Standard rake size for Train load (1) 12 - 03.ओ डि सि (ODC) संचालन (1) 12 - यात्री और माल गाडी का ब्लाक रेक (1) 13 - 01.डीविज़न वैगन बैलेंस / (DIVISONAL WAGON BALANCE) (1) 14 - 01.थ्रू -पुट / THROUGH PUT (1) 14 - SECTION CAPACITY) (1) 15 - 01.मालगाड़ी को आदेशित करना (ट्रेन ओर्ड़ेरिंग / TRAIN ORDERING ) (1) 15 - 02.माल गाडी की औसात गति (1) 15 - 03.वैगनो का यानात्रण (Transhipment of Goods) (1) 15 - 07.गाड़ीयो का प्रस्थान पूर्व विलंब (PDD) (1) 15 - मालगाड़ी संचालन (Goods Train Operation) एवं लोड टेबल (1) 15 -06.कन्टेनराईजेशन Container (CONCOR) (1) 16 - 02.समय सारणी (TIME TABLE) (1) 16 - 03.रेक लिंक / (RAKE LINK) (1) 16 - 04.प्लेटफार्म ऑक्यूपेशन चार्ट / (Platform Occupation Chart) (1) 16 - 05.पिट लाइन ऑक्यूपेशन चार्ट (Pit Line Occupation Chart) (1) 16 - 06.विषेश/वी आई पी गाड़ीयो का संचालन (Movement of Special/VIP Trains) (1) 16 - 07.मेला एवं मिलिटरी स्पेशल गाड़ियों का संचालन एवं सावधानियाँ (1) 16 - यात्री गाडी संचालन / Passenger Train Operation (1) 17 - स्टॉक रिपोर्ट / Stock Report (1) 18 - 01.क्रू लिंक (CREW LINK) / लोको लिंक (LOCO LINK) (1) 18 - 02.दस घंटे नियम (10 HOURS RULE) (1) 18 - लॉबी कार्य पध्दति / LOBBY WORKING (1) 19 - 01.इंजन योजना (POWER PLAN) (1) 19 - 02.इंजन की उपयोगीता (ENGINE UTILISATION) (1) 19 - 03.विशिष्ठ उर्जा खपत / SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION (SPC) (1) 19 - विभिन प्रकार के इंजन और उनक हार्स पॉवर तथा गती (1) 2.1 Various Machines for Track Maintenance (1) 20 - 01. रेशनलाइजेशन स्कीम : / Rationalization Scheme (1) 20 - 02.रोक (BAN) & प्रतिबंध (RESTRICTION) (1) 20 - 03.वैगन पंजीकरण (1) 20 - 04.वैगन उपयोगीता चक्र (WTR) (1) 20 - 05.वेगन सेन्सस / WAGON CENSUS (1) 20 - वैगन उपयोगीता / अधिमान्य यातायात आदेश :(PTO/PTS) (1) 20.06.माल परिचालन सूचना प्रणाली (FOIS) एवं अन्य परिचालन सूचना प्रणाली (ICMS CMS COA ETC NTES) (1) 21 - 01.विधुतिकृत सेक्शन में गाड़िया का संचालन (1) 21 - 02.ट्रैफिक वोर्किंग रूल्स (TWR) (1) 21 - 03.टावर वैगन का संचालन (1) 21 - 04.रेल मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत सार्वजानिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रम और अन्य संगठन (PSUs) (1) 21 - समपार (लेवल क्रासिंग ) (1) 22 - 01.सिगनल को खतरे की स्तिथि में पर करना (SPAD) (1) 22 - 02.गंभीर दुर्घटना SERIOUS ACCIDENT (ऍम 105) (1) 22 - 03.दुर्घटना होने पर खंण्ड नियंत्रक के कर्त्तव्य (AM - ३१९) (1) 22 - 04.दुर्घटना स्थल के प्रभारी अधिकारी के कर्तव्य (AM - 324) (1) 22 - 05.मंडल नियंत्रण कार्यालय के प्रभारी अधिकारी के कर्तव्य - (AM - 323) (1) 22 - 06.दुर्घटना होने पर स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी (ऍम 311) (1) 22 - 07.रहत व्यवस्थाओ की ओर्ड़ेरिंग देना (AM - 405) (1) 22 - 11.नॉन - इंटरलॉकिंग संचालन (Non - Interlocked Working) (1) 22 - दुर्घटना (Accident) (ऍम 104) (1) 22.10 सुरक्षा डेविसस (Safety Devices) - ACD EOIT GSMR TAWD VCD WILD (1) 23 - कंट्रोल ओफ्फिक निर्देश (1) 24 - COA Main Menu (1) 25 - अग्रीम प्लाटिंग (चार्टिंग) / Advance Plotting (1) 26 - 01.नियंत्रण कार्यालय अनुप्रयोग हेतु त्वरित दिशा निर्दश (1) 26 - COA एवं FOIS के एकीकरण (Integration) हेतु अवय्शक निर्दाश (1) 27 - पश्चिम मध्य रेल तथा मध्य रेल के सहायक नियमो में विभिन्नता की सूची (1) 28 - निरीक्षण उसके उदेश्य और प्रकार (Inspection Its Objects & Type) (1) 28.01 Schedule Of Inspection By Operating / Safety Officers And Transportation Inspectors (1) 29 - दुर्घटना जाँच (Accident Inquiry) (1) 3.031 DIESEL LOCO SCHEDULE & DURATION (1) 3.09 ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE FEATURES (1) A.01 भारतीय रेल का इतिहास एवं प्रगति (1) A.02. भारतीय रेल का संगठनात्मक ढांचा (1) A.03.परिचालन विभाग का सेटअप (1) A.04. महत्वपूर्ण विभागों के सामान्य कार्य (1) A.05 सामान्य एवं सहायक नियम ब्लाक संचालन नियमावली दुर्घटना नियमावली (1) A.06.परिचालन नियमावली/ संचालन समय सारिणी (1) A.07.स्टेशन संचालन नियम (1) A.08.रेल सेवको पर साधारण लागू होने वाले नियम (1) A.09.महत्वपूर्ण परिभाषाए (1) A.10.सिगनलों का सामान्य परिचय (1) A.11.पटाखा सिगनल (1) A.12.हाथ सिगनल (1) A.13.गाड़ी संचालन पध्दतियाँ (1) A.15.वाहनों को सुरक्षित करना (1) A.17.हॉट एक्सल/फ़्लैट टायर/ओपेन डोर एवं हैंकिंग पार्ट (1) A.18.ट्रेन्स क्लर्क के कर्तव्य (1) A.19.स्टेशनों/यार्ड में रखे जाने वाले रजिस्टर (1) A.20.गाड़ी परिचालन में ट्रेन्स क्लर्क की भूमिका (1) A.21.गाड़ी संचालन से समबंधित महत्वपूर्ण नियम (1) A.22.कंट्रोल संगठन के कार्य (1) A.23.स्टेशन/यार्ड/कंट्रोल आफिस के क्रिया कलाप (1) A.24.विभिन्न प्रकार के कोचिंग एवं गुड्स स्टॉक (1) A.25.ब्रेक पावर प्रमाण पत्र (1) A.26.इंजन एवं ब्रेकयान में एयर प्रेशर की मात्रा (1) A.27.कंटीन्युटी टेस्ट (1) A.28.बड़े आयाम के प्रेषण (1) A.29.सेंसस एवं स्टॉक रिपोर्ट (1) A.30.मालगाड़ी संचालन/ गाडियों को आर्डर करना (1) A.31.डिविजन वैगन संतुलन (1) A.32.इन्टरचेंज (1) A.33.शंटिंग प्रतिबन्ध (1) A.35.वैगन पूल (1) A.36.वैगन उपयोगिता चक्र (1) A.37.परिचालन सांख्यिकी / परिचालन अनुपात (1) A.38.मोर्निंग पोजीशन फैटो (1) A.39.कोचिंग एवं गुड्स गाडियों की मार्शलिंग/घाट मार्शलिंग/रेक मार्शलिंग (1) A.41.जीडीआर चेक/ सेफ टू रन सर्टिफिकेट/ ओवर लोडिंग /अनइव्ह्न लोडिंग (1) A.42.लोड टेबल /एक्सल लोड / बैकिंग इंजन की आवश्यकता (1) A.43.माल गाडियों के विभिन्न प्रकार के ब्रेक पावर प्रमाणपत्र उनकी वैधता (1) A.44.स्थान शुल्क एवं विलंब शुल्क स्केटिंग (1) A.46.लोको आउटेज एवं इंजन उपयोगिता (1) ACF (1) ART - Accident Relief Train (1) AUTHORITIES USING IN TRAIN WORKING (1) AWS (1) B.02.एफओआईएस/आर एस एम /टीएमएस /सीओआईएस/आईसीएमएस/पीएएम (1) B.05.यूटीएस/ पीआरएस UTS/PRS (1) B.06.ट्रेन मेनेजमेंट सिस्टम (1) B.07.एसीडी / टीसीएएस (1) BOOKED SPEED (1) Block working (1) COA (1) Correction Slip (1) DUTIES OF STATION MASTER IN THE CASE OF ACCIDENTS (1) Department (1) Departmental Exam Special (1) Duty (1) Duty List (1) Flat Tyre (1) Freight Train Operation (1) G.01 Code for LHB Coaching Stock (1) G.01 रेल सेवकों पर साधारणतया लागू होने वाले नियम (1) G.02 G & SR - परिभाषाएं (1) G.02 स्टेशन पर अग्निसमन उपकरण (1) G.03 इन्टरलाॅकिंग एवं नाॅन-इन्टरलाॅकिंग. (1) G.04 पाॅइन्ट एवं सिगनल (1) G.05 विभिन्न प्रकार की लाइटें एवं रिपीटर (1) G.06 संचालन मे आनेवाले विभिन्न प्रकार के बोर्डं (1) G.07 इंजीनियरिंग सिगनल एवं कार्यस्थल का बचाव (1) G.08 सिगनल तथा पाॅइन्ट की खराबी (1) G.09 सिगनल खराब होने पर गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.10 कार्य संचालन पद्धति (1) G.11केवल एक गाड़ी पद्धति (1) G.12 सम्पूर्ण ब्लाॅक पद्धति (1) G.13 गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.14 स्टेशनों पर बजाई जाने वाली घंटीया (1) G.15 आटोमेटिक ब्लाॅक पद्धति (1) G.16 अनुगामी गाड़ी पद्धति (1) G.17 सतर्कता आदेश (1) G.18 अवरुद्ध लाइन/ बिना सिगनल वाली लाइन व काॅमन स्टार्टर पर गाड़ी का संचालन (1) G.19 शन्टिंग (1) G.21 मार्शलिंग एवं डेड इंजन का संचालन (1) G.21 गाड़ी को स्टेशन से रवाना करना (1) G.23 समयपालन (1) G.24 लोको पायलट व गार्ड के निजी उपकरण (1) G.25 गार्ड व लोको पायलट से संबंधित रजिस्टर व प्रपत्र (1) G.26 रनिंग लाइन पर लोड को स्टेबल व क्लीयर करना (1) G.28 लोको पायलट व गार्ड की ड्यूटी (1) G.29 विभिन परिस्थितियों में लोको पायलट की ड्यूटी (1) G.30 मेटेरियल ट्रेन का संचालन (1) G.31 विभिन्न परिस्थितियों मे स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी (1) G.32 गाड़ियों की गति (1) G.33 कैच एवं स्लिप साइडिंग (1) G.33 स्टेशनों पर विभिन्न उपकरण (1) G.34 लाॅक एवं ब्लाॅक उपकरण (1) G.35 असामान्य परिस्थितियों में गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.36 इंजन सीटी कोड (1) G.37 ई एम यू / एम ई एम यू / डी एम यू में संके तहेतु बेल कोड (1) G.37 नए परिचालन फाॅर्म (1) G.38 इंजीनियरिंग कार्य प्रणाली व इंजीनियरिंग वाहनों का संचाल (1) G.38 पावर ब्लाॅक (1) G.39 पाइथाॅन रैक का संचालन (1) G.40 गाड़ी लिपिक के रजिस्टर व कार्यप्रणाली (1) Golden Hour (1) Group "B" (1) HKT (1) Hotter Code (1) KNOW ABOUT - जन शिकायत पुस्तिका (1) LED Torch (1) Lobby system (1) Loco Pilot Duty (1) MPS (1) MRV-Medical Relief Van (1) Medical Care (1) Mock Drill (1) NDMA (1) Pad Lock (1) Private Number (1) Question Bank & Papers With Answer For Group "B" / Guard / Station Master etc Exam (1) Rule. Manual (1) S 01.0 Significance Of Rule Books (1) S 01.01 Differences Between General And Subsidiary Rules (1) S 02.00 Rules And Instructions (1) S 03.00 Rules Applying To The Railway Servant Generally (1) S 04.00 Definition Of Operating Terms (1) S 05.00 Classification Of Station (1) S 06.00 Signals (1) S 07.00 DETONATING SIGNAL (1) S 08.00 Hand Signal (1) S 09.00 Traffic Board And Engineering Indicators (1) S 11.00 CONDITIONS FOR TAKING OFF SIGNALS (1) S 12.00 CONDITIONS FOR CLEARING THE SECTION AND PRECAUTIONS (1) S 13.00 AUTHORITIES USING IN TRAIN WORKING (1) S 14.00 INTERLOCKING AND ISOLATION (1) S 15.00 POINTS (1) S 16.00 WORKING OF TRAINS DURING OVERHAULING (1) S 17.00 DEFECTIVE POINTS (1) S 19 DEFECTIVE SIGNALS (1) S 20.00 Reception Dispatch And Crossing Of Train At Station (1) S 21.00 SHUNTING (1) S 22.00 PUSHING BACK OF TRAIN (1) S 23.00 SECURING VEHICLES AT STATION (1) S 24.00 VEHICLES ESCAPING FROM STATION (1) S 25.00 WORKING OF MATERIAL TRAIN (1) S 25.01 Procedure of sending material train into the Block Section (1) S 25.02 STABLING OF MATERIAL TRAIN (1) S 26.00 HOT AXLE AND FLAT TYRE (1) S 27.00 WORKING OF TRAIN WITHOUT BRAKE VAN (1) S 28.00 STANDARD TIME (1) S 29.00 SPEED CHART (1) S 30.00 ELECTRIC BLOCK INSTRUMENT (1) S 31.00 TAIL LAMP AND TAIL BOARD (1) S 36.00 TRAIN PARTING (1) S 37.00 TRAIN DIVIDING (1) S 38.00 SEND ASSISTING ENGINE INTO OBSTRUCTED BLOCK SECTION (1) S 39.00 TRAIN DELAYED IN BLOCK SECTION (1) S 40.00 ACCIDENT (1) S 42.00 YARD (1) S 43.00 DUTIES OF STATION STAFF TOWARDS CONTROL (1) S 44.00 WAGON EXCHANGE REGISTER (1) S 45.00 STOCK REPORT (1) S 46.00 WORKING OF TRAIN IN GHAT SECTION / CATCH AND SLIP SIDING (1) S 47.00 MEANS OF COMMUNICATION AND WHISTLE CODE (1) S 48.00 ACTION TAKEN DURING THE ACP (1) S 49.00 WORKING OF TRAIN DURING STORM / ANEMOMETER CYCLONE (1) S 50.00 FIRE IN TRAIN (1) S 51.00 INFORMATION SYSTEM / COA/ FOIS/ ICMS/ PRS etc (1) S 52.00 ACD (1) S 53.00 LOCOMOTIVE LIGHT (1) S 54.00 WORKING OF TRAIN IN ELECTRIFIED SECTION AND TOWER WAGON (1) S 55.00 LEVEL CROSSING GATE (1) S 56.00 OVER DIMENSIONAL CONSIGNMENT (O.D.C. ) (1) S 57.00 MARSHALLING (1) S 58.00 WORKING OF TROLLY/LORRY (1) S 59.00 TYPES OF TRACK MACHINE (1) S 60.00 MANSOON PATROLLING (1) S 61.00 DEFECTIVE PARMANENT WAY (1) S 62.00 WORKING OF LONG HAUL TRAINS (PYTHON) ON CENTRAL RAILWAY (1) S 63.00 HEAVY HAUL TRAINS (1) S 64.00 ABBREVIATION (1) S 65.00 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUBSIDIARY RULES OF CR AND WCR (1) SH (1) SPEED ON TURNOUTS (1) Safety Chain (1) Scotch Block (1) Skid (1) Station Earning (1) Station Inspection (1) TBC Guide (1) Train Manager (Guard) (1) VTO (1) Vehicle Guidance (1) Video (1) WORKING OF TRACK MACHINE (TTM etc.) (1) Yard Congestion (1) fois (1) k (1) long Haul (1) योजना बनाने में स्टेशन मास्टर की भूमिका (1) सिगनलों का आदान प्रदान (1) स्टेशन मास्टर अवश्य ध्यान दे (1)