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Marshalling is attaching of vehicles on a train in a predetermined manner to ensure train safety, provide operational expediency and to maximize customers’ convenience.

Marshalling of Mail/ Express/Passenger trains:

The general principles kept in view while marshalling are:

i) Position of upper class coaches, ladies compartment, dining car, in respect of easy accessibility normally the dining cars or the catering compartments, air conditioned and upper class coaches, shall be marshaled in the middle of the train or as near to it as possible and ladies compartment will be near Guard’s SLR.
ii) Non-passenger carrying stock shall preferably be marshaled next to the engine or in the rear of the train, defining the area for stacking, loading and unloading of parcels packages and mails on platforms.

The Marshalling of SLRs and Anti-Telescopic/Steel-Bodied Coaches on Passenger Carrying Trains:

(a) Marshalling of mail and Express trains :

(i) In case of SLRs which have passenger portion on one side, luggage cum brake portion on the other, the SLR should be marshaled in such a way that the luggage and brake portion is trailing outermost or next to engine.
(ii) In case of new design of SLRs with Passenger portion in the middle, these can be positioned in either way.
(iii) In case, anti-telescopic / steel bodied SLR is marshalled with passenger portion next to the engine or rear SLR with the passenger portion towards the end of the train “the passenger portion of SLR should be locked.
(iv) In case of shortage of SLRs, any other suitable coaching vehicle or a VPU may be provided, and in case a coaching vehicle is attached its doors should be locked to ensure that passengers can not occupy it.
(v) Two anti-telescopic or steel-bodied coaches should be marshaled inside the antitelescopic or steel – bodied SLRs at both ends.
 (vi) After providing anti-telescopic or steel – bodied SLRs for Mail/ Express trains. All the available anti-telescopic or steel-bodied SLRs should be used on main line passenger trains and after meeting this requirement, the rest should be used on Branch Line Passenger Trains. Anti-telescopic or steel-bodied SLR should be marshaled in the same way as in the case of Mail/ Express trains.

(b) Marshalling of short service trains:

The Railway Board has permitted marshalling of three coaches in front and rear of the SLR on short trains, provided they have working brakes and subject to two end coaches at either side are anti-telescopic. An Inspection Carriage may be attached as fourth trailer coach on such trains. (Also refer SR 4.23 – 4)

(c) Non- Passenger coaches:

VPs, LRs, WLRRMs and other coaching vehicles, which do not carry passengers may be marshaled as operationally convenient. Inspection carriage whether anti-telescopic / steel bodied or not occupied or being worked empty may be marshaled as operationally convenient.

(d) Reserved Bogies and Saloons Occupied by VIP:

Reserved bogies occupied by passengers and Inspection Carriages/ Saloons occupied by VIPs should be treated as passenger coach and marshaled accordingly. If they are anti- telescopic or steel-bodied, they can be marshaled anywhere as operationally convenient. If they are wooden-bodied, they should be marshalled inside the required number of anti-telescopic/steel-bodied coaches.

(e) Sectional/Through Service Coaches:

1. Sectional / through service coaches, if they are anti-telescopic or steel-bodied, may be marshaled as operationally convenient. However, wherever feasible, they should be marshaled inside the SLR, LR, and VP etc.
2. (ii) Sectional / through service coaches, other than anti-telescopic/steel-bodied, should be treated like other passenger coaches in the train formation and should, therefore, be marshaled inside the required number of anti telescopic/steel bodied coaches.
3. While determining the position of marshalling of sectional thorough service coaches, the fact that these coaches will be attached/detached en route, leaving the train service coaches exposed as outermost, should be borne in mind and therefore, the marshalling order of sectional / through service coaches and train service coaches decided in accordance with the instructions contained in Para (a) to (e) above.

(f) POH/Sick coaches returning to Shops:

(i) In the case of POH/sick coaches, which are returned to shops for major repairs and are attached to passenger trains, such coaches should be properly locked and windows secured, so as to prevent entry of any passenger into these coaches. In that case, it is not necessary to attach these coaches according to safety marshalling instructions and can be attached next to the train engine or rearmost as convenient. If for any reason, it is not possible to lock up these coaches, such coaches should be treated like other passenger coaches in the train formation and should, therefore, be marshaled inside the required number of anti-telescopic/steel bodied coaches.
(ii) It is also desired that the above instruction on safety marshalling of passenger carrying trains should be made known to all the staff and officers concerned and these should be followed strictly.

Block Rake Composition:

For block rake composition and marshalling order, 'Normal composition and marshalling order and rake link of passenger trains' are issued by COMs of respective railways from time to time.

Mixed Trains:

Classifying a passenger carrying train as a mixed train needs authorization by COM. On such a train, coaching and goods stock shall normally, remain in one block (except where a deviation is permitted) and their marshalling will also be laid down by the COM. Normally goods stock should be attached next to engine and coaching stock inside the rear brake van.

Attaching of Four Wheelers on Passenger, and Mixed Trains:

1. Rules on the subject contained in GR 4.08 and in the current Working Time Table should be followed.
2. On MG and NG the single empty or loaded 4 wheeler must not be marshaled between an engine and bogie vehicle/wagon or between two bogies /wagons.
3. However, on BG the above restrictions do not apply to match trucks along with Break Down trains and whenever under special instructions four-wheeled brake-van is attached next to engine provided that such stock is fitted with center buffer couplers.

Attaching of Vehicles outside the Rear Brakevan:

Vehicles outside the rear Brakevan can be attached in accordance with the provision of SRs 4.23-4, 4.23-5 & 4.29-1
1. Attaching of vehicles in rear of Brakevan in fully vacuum train
2. Attaching of power plant bogies
3. Attaching of damaged vehicles

ATTACHMENT OF DEAD LOCOMOTIVES: (Railway Board's letter: 1. No. 99/Safety(A&R)/19/10 dated 10.12.2001 and 2. No.2000/M(L)/466/803 dated 1/9th March 2004)

I. Conditions for attachment of dead locomotive:-

i) Certificate for 'Fit to run is issued by Section, Engineer/Loco Inspector/Power Controller for Passenger/Goods train.
ii) Maximum permissible speed of the train shall not be less than maximum permissible speed of the dead locomotive
iii) Arrangements have been made to ensure that brakes can be applied on dead locomotives in synchronization with working locomotives
i) Running of double/triple headed is permissible on the section over which the dead locomotive is to be hauled.
ii) When a dead electric locomotive has to be moved on a non-electrified section, special check shall be made regarding its infringement to the schedule of maximum moving dimensions. In the case of any infringement, the dead locomotive shall be treated as an ODC.
iii) As a final check, the coupled locos should be run for about 500 meters and the LocoPilot shall check for any abnormal rise in the temperature of the wheels of the dead locomotive and shall also check it at subsequent stops during the journey.
iv) In addition to freight/passenger trains, a dead locomotive can also be attached to Mail/Express trains including Superfast trains but excluding Rajdhani and Shatabdi if the locomotive brakes including proportionate brakes are operational and maximum permissible speed of the locomotive is not less than the booked speed of the train in which it is being attached. Locos with inoperative brakes can be attached subject to the brake power of the train being within the permissible limits. Locomotive with defects in under-gear equipment can be attached only in freight trains.

II. Attaching/hauling of dead locomotives by Mall/Express/Super fast/Passenger trains:

i) Only one dead locomotive (diesel/electric) can be attached.
ii) Brake power of the train should be 100% excluding dead locomotive
iii) As far as possible, brake should work on dead locomotive. However, if it is not possible, then in the case of air-braked train, brake pipe and feed pipe of working locomotive shall be connected to brake pipe and feed pipe of trailing stock and dead locomotive will work as piped vehicle.

In the case of vacuum braked train, vacuum pipe of locomotive shall be connected with vacuum train pipe of trailing stock and the dead locomotive shall be treated as a piped vehicle. If the locomotive is fitted with pure air braked system and vacuum pipe is not provided on locomotive then it should be attached with air braked trains only.

III. Attaching/Hauling of dead locomotives by goods trains:

Movement of maximum three locomotives (2 working + 1 dead) with load is permissible subject to observations of all restrictions on operation of double/triple headed working locomotives in the section provided that brakes in dead locomotives are operational. The above instructions should be strictly followed and it is, therefore, advised that these guidelines be supplemented in the respective Subsidiary Rules also.

IV. Escorting of dead Locomotives:-

Escorting of locomotives (diesel as well as electric) attached to freight and passenger carrying trains is not necessary if the brakes including proportionate are fully operational and the dead locomotive is attached next to the train engine. The dead locomotive will continue to be escorted if attached in the rear of brake van or has defect in under-gear equipment.

Medical Relief Van:

Can be run without brake van (Local SR should be followed for Ghat Section)

Inspection Carriages attached to Light Engine:

Maximum three inspection carriages occupied by the officers can be attached. In case more than 3 Inspection carriages are attached, rules regarding running of goods trains without brake van will apply.
Information/News/Video provided in this Platform has been collected from different sources. We Believe that “Knowledge Is Power” and our aim is to create general awareness among people and make them powerful through easily accessible Information. NOTE: We do not take any responsibility of authenticity of Information/News/Videos.



TRAFFIC (41) Control Organisation (6) Duty of Operating Staff (6) INDEX (6) Specification (5) Abnormal Working (3) CAUTION ORDER / SPEED RESTRICTIONS (3) Question Bank (3) Railway (3) TNC (3) 01.035 Duty of Points Man/Shunt Man (2) 04.03. OPERATING STATISTICS (2) Accident (2) Automatic Signal (2) Break Binding (2) Crank Handle (2) FREIGHT OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM (FOIS) (2) Operating (2) Question with Answer (2) Safety Device (2) tnc. (2) 001. प्रस्तावना (1) 0010. स्टेशन संचालन नियम की अभिस्वीकृति रजिस्टर (क्र. 1 ) (1) 0011. कर्मचारी वैयक्तिक विवरण रजिस्टर (क्र. 2 ) (1) 0012. कर्मचारी परामर्श रजिस्टर (क्र. 3 ) (1) 0013. निरिक्षण रजिस्टर (क्र. 5 ) (1) 0014. एस एंड टी खराबी रजिस्टर (क्र. 7 ) (1) 0015. सतर्कता आदेश रजिस्टर (क्र. 8) (1) 0016. एस एंड टी खराबी मेमो बुक (क्र. 9 ) (1) 0017. दुर्घटना रजिस्टर (क्र. 11 ) (1) 0018. सतर्कता आदेश मैसेज बुक (क्र. 13) (1) 0019. संरक्षा तथा रजिस्टर (क्र. 14) (1) 002. स्टेशन मास्टर / उप स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी लिस्ट (1) 0020. डिस्कनेक्शन तथा रिकनेक्शन रजिस्टर (क्र. 15) (1) 0021. आपातकालीन क्रास ऑवर टेस्टिंग रजिस्टर (क्र. 16 ) (1) 0022. रिले रूम चाबी रजिस्टर (क्र. 19 ) (1) 0023. संयुक्त पाइंट एंड क्रासिंग रजिस्टर (क्र. 20) (1) 0024. संयुक्त ट्रैक सर्किट रजिस्टर (क्र. 20 A) (1) 0025. असामान्य संचालन रजिस्टर (क्र. 21 ) (1) 0026. स्टेबल लोड रजिस्टर (क्र. 22 ) (1) 0027. सिक बैगन रजिस्टर (क्र. 26) (1) 0028. क्रेक हैंडल टेस्टिंग रजिस्टर (1) 0029. इंजीनियरिंग एवं पॉवर ब्लाक रजिस्टर (1) 003. व्यक्तिगत परिचय (1) 0030. विभिन्न प्रकार के काउंटर नम्बर रजिस्टर (1) 0031. पैनल ब्लाक होने पर - स्टेशन मास्टर के कर्तव्य (1) 0033. गाड़ी संचालन से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण अधिकार पत्र (1) 0034. स्टेशन परिचालन रजिस्टर के संरक्षण की सामान्य अवधि (1) 0035. घंटी कोड (1) 0037. दोहरी लाइन पर इकहरी लाइन का संचालन (1) 0038. कार्यभार सौपते समय तथा कार्यभार लेते समय ली जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0039. संरक्षा उपस्कर (1) 004. पूनश्र्चर्या पाठ्यक्रम (1) 0041. शंटिंग के दौरान ली जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0042. विभिन्न प्रकार के ब्लाक में लि जाने वाली सावधानियां (1) 0045. अग्रदाय राशि (1) 0046. सिग्नल पार करने (SPAD) पर स्टेशन मास्टर के कर्तव्य (1) 005. आवधिक चिकित्सा परीक्षा (PME) (1) 0051. बोगी कबर्ड बैगनो की जानकारी (1) 0052. कोचिंग स्टॉक का तकनीकी डाटा (1) 0054. LHB कोच की महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियाँ (1) 0056. स्टेशन पर अनिरक्षित किये जाने वाले अन्य रजिस्टर (लेखा विभाग से संबंधित ) (1) 0058. भरे हुए अधिकार पत्र (1) 006. संरक्षा परामर्श फार्म (1) 008. प्रायवेट नंबर शीट (1) 009. स्टेशन संचालन नियम (1) 01.01 History of Rail Transport in India (1) 01.02.Functions of the Traffic Department (1) 01.03. Hierarchical set up and line of control of Operating Department (1) 01.031 Responsibility of Station Master (supervisory) / Station Manager (1) 01.032 Duty of Deputy Station Manager (Outdoor)(Outdoor) (1) 01.033 Duty of Station Master / Manager - Block Station Master / Manager (1) 01.034 Duty of Panel SM (1) 01.036 Duty of Gate Man (1) 01.037 Normal Period Of Preserved - Station Operating Registers and Records (1) 01.04. CONTROL ORGANISATION (1) 01.05. Basic Function of control (1) 01.06. Duties of Control Staff (1) 01.07. Books / documents and basic records to be kept in control office (1) 01.09. Co- ordination between Control and stations (1) 01.10. Registers generally maintained in control (1) 01.11. Items checked by Sr. DOM daily/ regular intervals periodically & monthly (1) 02.01 ट्रेन कंट्रोल एव गाड़िया संचालन में कंट्रोल के जिम्मदारी (1) 02.02 ट्रैफिक कंट्रोल (1) 02.02. Emergency Rescue Operation / Disaster Management (1) 02.03. PREFERENTIAL TRAFFIC ORDER (1) 02.03.पॉवर कंट्रोल (1) 02.04 वैगनो & इंजन की उपयोगिता (ENGINE UTILIZATION) (1) 02.04. Importance of Freight Operation: (1) 02.05. TRANSPORT PRODUCTS (1) 02.06. FREIGHT INCENTIVE SCHEMES (1) 02.07. Rationalization Order (1) 02.08. Development of rail-side warehouses (1) 02.09.. Wagon Pool (1) 02.10. WAGON CENSUS ON BROAD GAUGE (1) 03 - मास्टर चार्ट (MASTER CHART) (1) 03.01. LOCO LINKS AND POWER PLAN CREW LINKS (1) 03.02. 10-Hour Rule for Train Crew (1) 03.03. LOCO MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (1) 03.05. G D R ( GUARD DRIVER REPORT ) (1) 03.06. NOMINATED INTENSIVE EXAMINATION POINTS ON CENTRAL RAILWAY (1) 03.07. WORKING OF CLAMPED WAGON (1) 03.08. ODC (1) 03.10.1 DETAILS OF BRAKE POWER CERTIFICATE (1) 04 - सुबह की पोजीशन (MORNING POSITION) (1) 04.01. Section Capacity and Throughput (1) 04.08. ROLL ON - ROLL OFF (1) 05 - बगाडी संचालन पर प्रभाव डालने वाले कारक (FATO) (1) 05.01. Systems of Working (1) 05.03. All Communication Failure on Double line (1) 05.04. All Communication Failure on Single line (1) 05.05. TSL working on Double line (1) 05.06. Abnormal Working in Automatic Section (1) 06 - 01.उपनगरीय नियंत्रण (SUBURBAN CONTROL) (1) 06 - 02.एरिया कंट्रोल (1) 06 - 04.सेंट्रल कंट्रोल (1) 06 - 05.Emergency control (1) 06- 03.ट्रेन मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम (TRAIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) (1) 06.01. LOCO LINK (1) 06.02. RAKE LINK (1) 06.04. MARSHALLING OF TRAIN (1) 07 - नियंत्रण कार्यालय में विभाग नियंत्रकों के कर्त्तव्य (DUTIES) (1) 07.01. TIME TABLES – INTRODUCTION (1) 07.02. Punctuality (1) 07.03. COACHING VEHICLE CENSUS (1) 07.04. Rules for booking Special Coaches & Special Trains on FTR (1) 07.05. Coaching codes (1) 07.06. ACCIDENT AND SAFETY ORGANISATION (1) 08 - विभिन्न परिस्थियों में खण्ड नियंत्रक (SCOR) द्वारा किये जाने वाले कार्य (1) 09 - सवारी गाडी के कोड (IRCA Rule Book - IV) (1) 10 - संखियकी (STATISTICS) (1) 12 - 01.विशेष प्रकार के माल स्टॉक की मार्शलिंग (1) 12 - 02.माल गाडी का ब्लाक रेक / Standard rake size for Train load (1) 12 - 03.ओ डि सि (ODC) संचालन (1) 12 - यात्री और माल गाडी का ब्लाक रेक (1) 13 - 01.डीविज़न वैगन बैलेंस / (DIVISONAL WAGON BALANCE) (1) 14 - 01.थ्रू -पुट / THROUGH PUT (1) 14 - SECTION CAPACITY) (1) 15 - 01.मालगाड़ी को आदेशित करना (ट्रेन ओर्ड़ेरिंग / TRAIN ORDERING ) (1) 15 - 02.माल गाडी की औसात गति (1) 15 - 03.वैगनो का यानात्रण (Transhipment of Goods) (1) 15 - 07.गाड़ीयो का प्रस्थान पूर्व विलंब (PDD) (1) 15 - मालगाड़ी संचालन (Goods Train Operation) एवं लोड टेबल (1) 15 -06.कन्टेनराईजेशन Container (CONCOR) (1) 16 - 02.समय सारणी (TIME TABLE) (1) 16 - 03.रेक लिंक / (RAKE LINK) (1) 16 - 04.प्लेटफार्म ऑक्यूपेशन चार्ट / (Platform Occupation Chart) (1) 16 - 05.पिट लाइन ऑक्यूपेशन चार्ट (Pit Line Occupation Chart) (1) 16 - 06.विषेश/वी आई पी गाड़ीयो का संचालन (Movement of Special/VIP Trains) (1) 16 - 07.मेला एवं मिलिटरी स्पेशल गाड़ियों का संचालन एवं सावधानियाँ (1) 16 - यात्री गाडी संचालन / Passenger Train Operation (1) 17 - स्टॉक रिपोर्ट / Stock Report (1) 18 - 01.क्रू लिंक (CREW LINK) / लोको लिंक (LOCO LINK) (1) 18 - 02.दस घंटे नियम (10 HOURS RULE) (1) 18 - लॉबी कार्य पध्दति / LOBBY WORKING (1) 19 - 01.इंजन योजना (POWER PLAN) (1) 19 - 02.इंजन की उपयोगीता (ENGINE UTILISATION) (1) 19 - 03.विशिष्ठ उर्जा खपत / SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION (SPC) (1) 19 - विभिन प्रकार के इंजन और उनक हार्स पॉवर तथा गती (1) 2.1 Various Machines for Track Maintenance (1) 20 - 01. रेशनलाइजेशन स्कीम : / Rationalization Scheme (1) 20 - 02.रोक (BAN) & प्रतिबंध (RESTRICTION) (1) 20 - 03.वैगन पंजीकरण (1) 20 - 04.वैगन उपयोगीता चक्र (WTR) (1) 20 - 05.वेगन सेन्सस / WAGON CENSUS (1) 20 - वैगन उपयोगीता / अधिमान्य यातायात आदेश :(PTO/PTS) (1) 20.06.माल परिचालन सूचना प्रणाली (FOIS) एवं अन्य परिचालन सूचना प्रणाली (ICMS CMS COA ETC NTES) (1) 21 - 01.विधुतिकृत सेक्शन में गाड़िया का संचालन (1) 21 - 02.ट्रैफिक वोर्किंग रूल्स (TWR) (1) 21 - 03.टावर वैगन का संचालन (1) 21 - 04.रेल मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत सार्वजानिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रम और अन्य संगठन (PSUs) (1) 21 - समपार (लेवल क्रासिंग ) (1) 22 - 01.सिगनल को खतरे की स्तिथि में पर करना (SPAD) (1) 22 - 02.गंभीर दुर्घटना SERIOUS ACCIDENT (ऍम 105) (1) 22 - 03.दुर्घटना होने पर खंण्ड नियंत्रक के कर्त्तव्य (AM - ३१९) (1) 22 - 04.दुर्घटना स्थल के प्रभारी अधिकारी के कर्तव्य (AM - 324) (1) 22 - 05.मंडल नियंत्रण कार्यालय के प्रभारी अधिकारी के कर्तव्य - (AM - 323) (1) 22 - 06.दुर्घटना होने पर स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी (ऍम 311) (1) 22 - 07.रहत व्यवस्थाओ की ओर्ड़ेरिंग देना (AM - 405) (1) 22 - 08.अपघात प्रबंध (DISASTER MANAGEMENT) (1) 22 - 09.गोल्डन ऑवर(GOLDEN HOUR) (1) 22 - 11.नॉन - इंटरलॉकिंग संचालन (Non - Interlocked Working) (1) 22 - दुर्घटना (Accident) (ऍम 104) (1) 22.10 सुरक्षा डेविसस (Safety Devices) - ACD EOIT GSMR TAWD VCD WILD (1) 23 - कंट्रोल ओफ्फिक निर्देश (1) 24 - COA Main Menu (1) 25 - अग्रीम प्लाटिंग (चार्टिंग) / Advance Plotting (1) 26 - 01.नियंत्रण कार्यालय अनुप्रयोग हेतु त्वरित दिशा निर्दश (1) 26 - COA एवं FOIS के एकीकरण (Integration) हेतु अवय्शक निर्दाश (1) 27 - पश्चिम मध्य रेल तथा मध्य रेल के सहायक नियमो में विभिन्नता की सूची (1) 28 - निरीक्षण उसके उदेश्य और प्रकार (Inspection Its Objects & Type) (1) 28.01 Schedule Of Inspection By Operating / Safety Officers And Transportation Inspectors (1) 29 - दुर्घटना जाँच (Accident Inquiry) (1) 3.031 DIESEL LOCO SCHEDULE & DURATION (1) 3.09 ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE FEATURES (1) A.01 भारतीय रेल का इतिहास एवं प्रगति (1) A.02. भारतीय रेल का संगठनात्मक ढांचा (1) A.03.परिचालन विभाग का सेटअप (1) A.04. महत्वपूर्ण विभागों के सामान्य कार्य (1) A.05 सामान्य एवं सहायक नियम ब्लाक संचालन नियमावली दुर्घटना नियमावली (1) A.06.परिचालन नियमावली/ संचालन समय सारिणी (1) A.07.स्टेशन संचालन नियम (1) A.08.रेल सेवको पर साधारण लागू होने वाले नियम (1) A.09.महत्वपूर्ण परिभाषाए (1) A.10.सिगनलों का सामान्य परिचय (1) A.11.पटाखा सिगनल (1) A.12.हाथ सिगनल (1) A.13.गाड़ी संचालन पध्दतियाँ (1) A.15.वाहनों को सुरक्षित करना (1) A.17.हॉट एक्सल/फ़्लैट टायर/ओपेन डोर एवं हैंकिंग पार्ट (1) A.18.ट्रेन्स क्लर्क के कर्तव्य (1) A.19.स्टेशनों/यार्ड में रखे जाने वाले रजिस्टर (1) A.20.गाड़ी परिचालन में ट्रेन्स क्लर्क की भूमिका (1) A.21.गाड़ी संचालन से समबंधित महत्वपूर्ण नियम (1) A.22.कंट्रोल संगठन के कार्य (1) A.23.स्टेशन/यार्ड/कंट्रोल आफिस के क्रिया कलाप (1) A.24.विभिन्न प्रकार के कोचिंग एवं गुड्स स्टॉक (1) A.25.ब्रेक पावर प्रमाण पत्र (1) A.26.इंजन एवं ब्रेकयान में एयर प्रेशर की मात्रा (1) A.27.कंटीन्युटी टेस्ट (1) A.28.बड़े आयाम के प्रेषण (1) A.29.सेंसस एवं स्टॉक रिपोर्ट (1) A.30.मालगाड़ी संचालन/ गाडियों को आर्डर करना (1) A.31.डिविजन वैगन संतुलन (1) A.32.इन्टरचेंज (1) A.33.शंटिंग प्रतिबन्ध (1) A.35.वैगन पूल (1) A.36.वैगन उपयोगिता चक्र (1) A.37.परिचालन सांख्यिकी / परिचालन अनुपात (1) A.38.मोर्निंग पोजीशन फैटो (1) A.39.कोचिंग एवं गुड्स गाडियों की मार्शलिंग/घाट मार्शलिंग/रेक मार्शलिंग (1) A.41.जीडीआर चेक/ सेफ टू रन सर्टिफिकेट/ ओवर लोडिंग /अनइव्ह्न लोडिंग (1) A.42.लोड टेबल /एक्सल लोड / बैकिंग इंजन की आवश्यकता (1) A.43.माल गाडियों के विभिन्न प्रकार के ब्रेक पावर प्रमाणपत्र उनकी वैधता (1) A.44.स्थान शुल्क एवं विलंब शुल्क स्केटिंग (1) A.46.लोको आउटेज एवं इंजन उपयोगिता (1) ACF (1) AUTHORITIES USING IN TRAIN WORKING (1) AWS (1) Accident Drill (1) B.02.एफओआईएस/आर एस एम /टीएमएस /सीओआईएस/आईसीएमएस/पीएएम (1) B.05.यूटीएस/ पीआरएस UTS/PRS (1) B.06.ट्रेन मेनेजमेंट सिस्टम (1) B.07.एसीडी / टीसीएएस (1) BOOKED SPEED (1) Block working (1) COA (1) Correction Slip (1) DUTIES OF STATION MASTER IN THE CASE OF ACCIDENTS (1) Department (1) Duty (1) Duty List (1) Flat Tyre (1) Freight Train Operation (1) G.01 Code for LHB Coaching Stock (1) G.01 रेल सेवकों पर साधारणतया लागू होने वाले नियम (1) G.02 G & SR - परिभाषाएं (1) G.02 स्टेशन पर अग्निसमन उपकरण (1) G.03 इन्टरलाॅकिंग एवं नाॅन-इन्टरलाॅकिंग. (1) G.04 पाॅइन्ट एवं सिगनल (1) G.05 विभिन्न प्रकार की लाइटें एवं रिपीटर (1) G.06 संचालन मे आनेवाले विभिन्न प्रकार के बोर्डं (1) G.07 इंजीनियरिंग सिगनल एवं कार्यस्थल का बचाव (1) G.08 सिगनल तथा पाॅइन्ट की खराबी (1) G.09 सिगनल खराब होने पर गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.10 कार्य संचालन पद्धति (1) G.11केवल एक गाड़ी पद्धति (1) G.12 सम्पूर्ण ब्लाॅक पद्धति (1) G.13 गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.14 स्टेशनों पर बजाई जाने वाली घंटीया (1) G.15 आटोमेटिक ब्लाॅक पद्धति (1) G.16 अनुगामी गाड़ी पद्धति (1) G.17 सतर्कता आदेश (1) G.18 अवरुद्ध लाइन/ बिना सिगनल वाली लाइन व काॅमन स्टार्टर पर गाड़ी का संचालन (1) G.19 शन्टिंग (1) G.21 मार्शलिंग एवं डेड इंजन का संचालन (1) G.21 गाड़ी को स्टेशन से रवाना करना (1) G.23 समयपालन (1) G.24 लोको पायलट व गार्ड के निजी उपकरण (1) G.25 गार्ड व लोको पायलट से संबंधित रजिस्टर व प्रपत्र (1) G.26 रनिंग लाइन पर लोड को स्टेबल व क्लीयर करना (1) G.28 लोको पायलट व गार्ड की ड्यूटी (1) G.29 विभिन परिस्थितियों में लोको पायलट की ड्यूटी (1) G.30 मेटेरियल ट्रेन का संचालन (1) G.31 विभिन्न परिस्थितियों मे स्टेशन मास्टर की ड्यूटी (1) G.32 गाड़ियों की गति (1) G.33 कैच एवं स्लिप साइडिंग (1) G.33 स्टेशनों पर विभिन्न उपकरण (1) G.34 लाॅक एवं ब्लाॅक उपकरण (1) G.35 असामान्य परिस्थितियों में गाड़ियों का संचालन (1) G.36 इंजन सीटी कोड (1) G.37 ई एम यू / एम ई एम यू / डी एम यू में संके तहेतु बेल कोड (1) G.37 नए परिचालन फाॅर्म (1) G.38 इंजीनियरिंग कार्य प्रणाली व इंजीनियरिंग वाहनों का संचाल (1) G.38 पावर ब्लाॅक (1) G.39 पाइथाॅन रैक का संचालन (1) G.40 गाड़ी लिपिक के रजिस्टर व कार्यप्रणाली (1) Group "B" (1) HKT (1) KNOW ABOUT - जन शिकायत पुस्तिका (1) LED Torch (1) Lobby system (1) Loco Pilot Duty (1) MPS (1) Medical Care (1) Pad Lock (1) Private Number (1) Question Bank & Papers With Answer For Group "B" / Guard / Station Master etc Exam (1) Rule. Manual (1) S 01.0 Significance Of Rule Books (1) S 01.01 Differences Between General And Subsidiary Rules (1) S 02.00 Rules And Instructions (1) S 03.00 Rules Applying To The Railway Servant Generally (1) S 04.00 Definition Of Operating Terms (1) S 05.00 Classification Of Station (1) S 06.00 Signals (1) S 07.00 DETONATING SIGNAL (1) S 08.00 Hand Signal (1) S 09.00 Traffic Board And Engineering Indicators (1) S 11.00 CONDITIONS FOR TAKING OFF SIGNALS (1) S 12.00 CONDITIONS FOR CLEARING THE SECTION AND PRECAUTIONS (1) S 13.00 AUTHORITIES USING IN TRAIN WORKING (1) S 14.00 INTERLOCKING AND ISOLATION (1) S 15.00 POINTS (1) S 16.00 WORKING OF TRAINS DURING OVERHAULING (1) S 17.00 DEFECTIVE POINTS (1) S 19 DEFECTIVE SIGNALS (1) S 20.00 Reception Dispatch And Crossing Of Train At Station (1) S 21.00 SHUNTING (1) S 22.00 PUSHING BACK OF TRAIN (1) S 23.00 SECURING VEHICLES AT STATION (1) S 24.00 VEHICLES ESCAPING FROM STATION (1) S 25.00 WORKING OF MATERIAL TRAIN (1) S 25.01 Procedure of sending material train into the Block Section (1) S 25.02 STABLING OF MATERIAL TRAIN (1) S 26.00 HOT AXLE AND FLAT TYRE (1) S 27.00 WORKING OF TRAIN WITHOUT BRAKE VAN (1) S 28.00 STANDARD TIME (1) S 29.00 SPEED CHART (1) S 30.00 ELECTRIC BLOCK INSTRUMENT (1) S 31.00 TAIL LAMP AND TAIL BOARD (1) S 36.00 TRAIN PARTING (1) S 37.00 TRAIN DIVIDING (1) S 38.00 SEND ASSISTING ENGINE INTO OBSTRUCTED BLOCK SECTION (1) S 39.00 TRAIN DELAYED IN BLOCK SECTION (1) S 40.00 ACCIDENT (1) S 41.00 DISASTER MANAGEMENT (1) S 42.00 YARD (1) S 43.00 DUTIES OF STATION STAFF TOWARDS CONTROL (1) S 44.00 WAGON EXCHANGE REGISTER (1) S 45.00 STOCK REPORT (1) S 46.00 WORKING OF TRAIN IN GHAT SECTION / CATCH AND SLIP SIDING (1) S 47.00 MEANS OF COMMUNICATION AND WHISTLE CODE (1) S 48.00 ACTION TAKEN DURING THE ACP (1) S 49.00 WORKING OF TRAIN DURING STORM / ANEMOMETER CYCLONE (1) S 50.00 FIRE IN TRAIN (1) S 51.00 INFORMATION SYSTEM / COA/ FOIS/ ICMS/ PRS etc (1) S 52.00 ACD (1) S 53.00 LOCOMOTIVE LIGHT (1) S 54.00 WORKING OF TRAIN IN ELECTRIFIED SECTION AND TOWER WAGON (1) S 55.00 LEVEL CROSSING GATE (1) S 56.00 OVER DIMENSIONAL CONSIGNMENT (O.D.C. ) (1) S 57.00 MARSHALLING (1) S 58.00 WORKING OF TROLLY/LORRY (1) S 59.00 TYPES OF TRACK MACHINE (1) S 60.00 MANSOON PATROLLING (1) S 61.00 DEFECTIVE PARMANENT WAY (1) S 62.00 WORKING OF LONG HAUL TRAINS (PYTHON) ON CENTRAL RAILWAY (1) S 63.00 HEAVY HAUL TRAINS (1) S 64.00 ABBREVIATION (1) S 65.00 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUBSIDIARY RULES OF CR AND WCR (1) SH (1) SPEED ON TURNOUTS (1) Safety Chain (1) Scotch Block (1) Skid (1) Station Earning (1) Station Inspection (1) TBC Guide (1) Train Manager (Guard) (1) VTO (1) Vehicle Guidance (1) Video (1) WORKING OF TRACK MACHINE (TTM etc.) (1) Yard Congestion (1) fois (1) k (1) long Haul (1) योजना बनाने में स्टेशन मास्टर की भूमिका (1) सिगनलों का आदान प्रदान (1) स्टेशन मास्टर अवश्य ध्यान दे (1)